Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some parents will tell you one child is enough, while others would fill every inch of their home with kids if they could. The number of children a couple decides to have is totally up to them. But as we know, the world loves to give their opinions on people’s decisions, whether they ask or not. Today, people share their lives online, which certainly opens them up to others’ thoughts. Just ask Christopher and Desiree Hart-Spegal; they know all about it.
Christopher and Desiree have 19 children, and she is expecting baby No. 20 very soon. They have nine boys and 10 girls, ranging in age from 22 years old to 19 months, and they document their adventures on social media. Their Instagram page @perfectly_blended_family, has 100,000 followers alone. And even though they are very popular, they can’t seem to keep the trolls quiet.
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When they met, Desiree had three children and Christopher had eight. Since then, they have added nine children to their brood. They are one big happy family, but not everyone gives them the credit they feel they deserve.
Christopher and Desiree spoke to the YouTube channel Truly about their large family. Desiree said, “We actually described our family before as organized chaos. It’s very organized though.”
If the family works together, then things tend to run smoothly. Even so, the trolls love to make nasty comments about how they live.
“There are some toxic people out there. There are some people who, for whatever reason, do not love families. ‘This should be illegal.’ ‘Tell me you live off the taxpayers without telling me,'” Christopher said, reading a comment.
Although the family sees their fair share of criticism, the comments on Truly’s video overwhelmingly complimented the family.
One person wrote, “I’m amazed her body is holding up, on her 12th pregnancy. I’m guessing their outlook on life, good humor, and family makes life easier. The kids are so cute.”
This person loved seeing the family working together. “WOW! What a beautiful family! Everyone is pulling together! The kids all look so very happy! Both of you are doing an incredible job! I was pulling my hair out with 5.”
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Desiree and Christopher’s family inspired one person to leave a very sweet message. “I never been liked to comment on these vids because they can be sensitive but man this is some happy family,” the person wrote. “I think if you can afford it and you establish a healthy foundation, environment, that’s it. Happiness looks simple. family is blossoming. love it for them.”