Oh, the group chat. It can be such a wealth of information and, at times, totally soul-sucking. Getting a bunch of people together in a text chain lets you know their true colors. This is totally the case with moms. We all do it differently. From time to time, we have all been "that mom." Whoever "that mom" may be, that day.
TikTokers have a great way of making us feel seen. Funny TikTok mom @amyjosimpson posted a video about moms in a WhatsApp chat, and it's so on point. We all know the moms she is talking about. The video is so relatable and will have you saying, "that's totally me," or maybe feeling a tad attacked.
Amy Jo knows what's up in WhatsApp.
You know these people exist if you have been in a group chat for 10 seconds. The first type of mom she calls out is, "the stressed out" mom. We know her, shoot, we have probably been her. She is in her pajamas and freaking out, looking like she may have forgotten it was a "dress in your favorite book character day" because who hasn't missed that a time or two?
Then we see her dramatic foil, the mom "who has five kids, an important job, and pretends to hold it all together." We know her, too, and we kind of hate her. We kid, we kid. Except, no, we do. Who has that kind of life and never gets it wrong? Remember, she said she "pretends" she's forgotten those dress-up days, too.
Oh, then you've got the lady with the planner.
Yes, the mom "who knows every single school date for the entire year" is definitely good to know. She gets that calendar on day one and writes it all down. She probably has an Erin Condren planner, a Google calendar, something hanging in the kitchen, and sticky notes on her mirror, and in the car. Totally a good one to have around to text before you go to bed on Sunday to ask what's coming up for the week.
She is met by the mom, who "has no idea what is going on." She may be clueless, but her kids are cute and probably have funny stories about what goes on at their house in the morning.
And, seriously, sometimes it's just the kids' fault mom is a hot mess.
If your kids can't keep their lives together, you might be the mom who "constantly asks if anyone has come home with their son's uniform." If you have that kid, you know that you are that mom. And guess what? That's on him. Except it's totally not because you're the one who has to explain little Johnny's disastrous appearance.
Oh, the mom who never reads the newsletter and "relies solely on the group to inform them." You want to pair her up with that calendar lady. They make an excellent teacher/student match.
Why bother with words?
If you can say it with a smiley, why not? The mom "who sends emojis only as words" is fun to have around. She'll let you know if she's happy, sad, or confused. There is no guessing with one of those yellow faces.
You know that mom talking from both sides of her mouth, right? We kind of like her, at least when we are on the right side. That mom likes to "cause drama then starts us a separate side group with just a few other moms." She likely knows the dirt, and who doesn't like to dish every once in a while?
Even if you don't want to volunteer, somebody will ask.
Are you roped into selling raffle tickets or decorating the school for Christmas? The chief PTA mom wants you because she organizes "all things school & social." She is OK to be friends with, but all those favors can get a bit out of hand.
Then, you might have the mom who is "just there for the wine." She pairs nicely with "the silent" one. She knows it all and may or may not share it with you later in a side chat, or she could just be storing it up for later to be the one causing drama.
Do you feel seen? Attacked? Just laughing? TikTokers felt all of it and loved it.
All these moms were represented in the comments section and let Amy Jo know how they felt.
There were some combos, of course. "I'm the mum who knows all school related things n dates mixed with the totally stressed out," one mom admitted.
"Silent mum here!!!" another wrote. "I can never keep up with the convos so I just stay out of the way."
"The one who doesn't read the newsletters and relies on other moms," a mom commented.
Amy Jo didn't forget the fellas. A follow-up TikTok with all the dads out there is just as good.
Thank you, Amy Jo, for showing us that we are all normal and that every type of mom is good. If your kids are out the door with clothes and shoes, does the rest of this stuff really matter?