Pregnant Women Who Don’t Drink Root Beer Floats Are Obnoxious (VIDEO)

Blame the pregnant celebrities who barely show a bump during their nine months then bust out a bikini minutes later looking flawless if you want, but mommyrexia is infecting American moms like never before. The term, coined by the New York Post, is used to describe women who don't want to get fat during pregnancy. Not just too fat, but fat at all; they want to stay skinny for the entire nine-month journey, then banish every little last trace of it from their body immediately upon exiting labor and delivery.

Ridiculous right? Yes, says Today show's Dr. Nancy Snyderman. In fact, she got downright angry about the trend saying mommyrexia is an "Upper East Side, obnoxious, white girl problem." Check out this video to hear what else she had to say about it.

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She minces no words, that's for sure. My favorite line: "Pregnancy should be nine months of root beer floats and bliss, then deal with it afterwards." I agree.

I didn't drink a single root beer float during my pregnancy, as I don't like them, but for me it was nine months of spicy steak tacos from Chipotle and bliss. Two and a half years later, I'm still dealing with it. Not really; I only gained about 28 pounds with my daughter and those pounds are long gone. It's the tone of my abs and some other areas that I'm still dealing with … and may be for a long time. But that's fine as I have a healthy, beautiful daughter.

A healthy baby seems to be of secondary concern to some of these mommyrexics. Not only do they starve themselves (and therefore their babies), but some actually increase the amount they exercise when they become pregnant so they don't gain weight. Sure there are probably some who have a genuine medical disorder that causes this behavior, but I'm with Snyderman — most of them are just being narcissistic.

Of course going in the other direction isn't healthy either — overindulging carries its own sets of risks, and exercise during pregnancy is healthy and safe in most cases. The bottom line is moderation, and our focus should be on our health and the health of our babies and not what we — or any actress in Hollywood — look like. To do otherwise is obnoxious.

Do you know any mommyrexics?

Image via lululemon athletica/Flickr