I don't claim to be the most religious woman on the block, but Easter has long been one of my favorite holidays. It always (knock wood) seems to fall on a day that's lovely and warm and sunny, signifying the real start of spring. It's not one of those stressful holidays, where you have to shop for tons of gifts, wrap gifts, and generally drive yourself mad. You just get to dye Easter eggs and eat chocolate. And, of course, there are giant bunnies. And with giant bunnies come hilarious photos of kids … screaming with giant bunnies.
What?! Is that that a ridiculously scary Easter Bunny behind me … who looks like he's going to eat me?! It is? Okay, just checking.
This kid actually looks pretty happy. That bunny on the other hand … I think he's auditioning for a new low-budget horror flick in which the Easter Bunny is actually a serial killer.
He's not terrified. He's not excited. He really just isn't impressed by the Easter Bunny. But he is one cute kid.
There's a wide range of emotions going on here: one kid interested in his gloves, one kid gazing off into the distance, and … one kid screaming in abject terror. Ah, family memories.
And here's another screaming kid. But I don't know why she's screaming because her Easter Bunny is dressed like Prince. That makes him one cool rabbit.
E for effort, Mom! It's too bad your enthusiasm couldn't save the photo for everyone.
Chin up, kid. He may look scary, but he's supposed to bring you candy!
This kid would really, really rather not meet this guy. No, seriously, Mom. Come back. Take me away before he hides me like one of those Easter eggs!
In this kid's defense, that's one of the worst quality bunnies we've ever seen. Where are the fluffy cheeks?
Is it the Easter Bunny or your dad? Why do they look so much alike? This is all too confusing.
Can you blame these kids for crying? This Easter Bunny is so scary he almost makes me want to cry!
Whether it's a vintage bunny or the 2018 update, one thing is true: Kids really, really aren't down with this Easter Bunny character. Sure, they like it when he brings chocolate eggs in the middle of the night when they don't have to see him. But in person? With reactions like these, it may be better to skip the bunny photos and eat some extra Easter candy instead.