I've always looked at children's birthday parties with one thought in mind: let's get this thing over with. That's meant "the more, the merrier" type affairs, when the number of small children running underfoot is almost topped by the number of adult friends and family gabbing away in lawn chairs. It's insanity.
But I think I have finally found an out. I've spent all these years afraid that if I leave anyone out of the kid's birthday party, I'll be mopping up tears and tamping down hurt feelings down the line. But the latest episode of Mya and Her Moms makes the case for kicking the grandparents out of the kid's birthday party.
Hear that? Buh bye grandparents!
In the episode, Mya, the 8-year-old who lives with (you guessed it) her two moms, Lisa and Laura, gets a visit from her grandmother and great-grandmother to celebrate her birthday. Only the actual birthday has passed, and the grannies weren't on the guest list.
And the way Laura's mom sees it, that's perfect. The women used to show up to visit with their adorable granddaughter on the big day, but they ended up getting lost in the hubbub. The little girl wanted to go play with her friends at her party, and all the quality grandmother/granddaughter bonding had to be shoved into a scant bit of time before the grannies went back home to Tampa.
Now they come after the fact, and they get in all the hugging, spoiling, and Bingo-playing they want. They're happy. The kid is happy. The mothers don't have to entertain two older women plus try to keep a swarm of screaming 8-year-olds from destroying their home. And Mya doesn't have to feel like she's split: wanting to play with friends like a normal kid but guilted into being with family.
I think I'm seeing the light at the end of my birthday insanity tunnel, how about you?
We make such a big deal out of kids' birthdays, but think about it: take your average kid, give them a day with presents and sweets, and they don't really care what the calendar says.
Check out how the birthday goes down for Mya and her moms (plus her grandmas!).
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-uVpqlcrVE
Would you tell the grandparents they couldn't come to their grandchild's party?
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