People with grownup kids love to tell those of us with little ones that "it goes so fast." And you know what? They're right. In a flash, they go from sleeping infant to smart-talking 7-year-old, and there's only one way to hold on to childhood: get a camera and start snapping. Only now you wonder, what photos do you take? Is there a way to capture it all?
The answer, quite simply, is no. BUT there are a number of key photos parents absolutely must take of their kids! These are the pictures you'll look back on in years to come and be able to flash back in time.
We've already covered 10 of them here at The Stir — from the naked baby butt to the bath shot. But as a mom and professional photographer both, I know 10 isn't enough! So here are 10 more of the photos you're going to want to capture!
More From The Stir: 10 Classic Kid Photos Every Mom Needs to Take
We've got everything from whispering in Santa's ear to "driving" and beyond. Mark 'em down on a list somewhere because you don't want to miss these.
Tell us — do you have all these shots? Which is your favorite?
Images via © iStock.com/DaydreamsGirl and Sheri Reed
Telling Santa Everything

Story Time!

Playing Doctor

All Bundled Up


Wearing Silly Glasses

Head Full of Static

Swing Away!

