When I was pregnant with my second child, I had a feeling it was going to be a girl. I was so much queasier than I remembered being with my first son, and doesn't everyone say that morning sickness occurs more often in women who are pregnant with a girl? Plus, I craved sweet things and tended to sleep on my right side, and I'd heard those were BOTH signs of having a girl.
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As it turned out, the old wives' tales didn't ring true in my case: The Snickers-craving, right-side-preferring, barfy-making baby I was carrying was all boy. So I don't have any personal experience with the many, MANY myths and wives' tales out there that promise to predict a baby's gender — but it's always fun to revisit the folklore.
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Grab a chair and make sure to take copious notes! Behold, a plethora of popular, time-tested ways to predict whether it's a boy or a girl. Maybe the baby is sitting low or it's sitting high. Maybe it craves salty snacks, not sweet. Every pregnancy is different from the next. No matter what happens, of course, we all have a 50 percent guarantee of being right! Right? C'mon, let's go ahead and see where the predictions point.
Slow It Down

Boy: Your baby's heartbeat is slower than 140 beats per minute
That's Not Right

Boy: You'd rather sleep on your left side than right
Drying Up

Boy: Your hands are dry.
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Watch Out!

Boy: You're feeling super clumsy
Get Low

Boy: You're carrying low
Make It Salty

Boy: You're craving salty food or protein
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Add It Up

Boy: You combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is even.
Natural Hair Treatment

Boy: Your hair has gotten more full-bodied and shiny during pregnancy

Boy: You're more prone to headaches.
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Head North

Boy: Your pillow faces north when you sleep.
Face Down

Boy: When you're asked to show your hands, you present them palms down.
Too Colorful

Boy: Your urine is bright yellow (um, dude, this means you need to HYDRATE).
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Say Dada

Boy: Your previous child's first word was "daddy" or "dada"
Swing The Ring

You tie your wedding ring to some thread, hang it over your stomach, and it moves in circles. If it moves side to side, it's a girl! (Note: I have seen the exact opposite description of this 'test' so I'm not sure everyone's totally clear on the circle/side-to-side thing)
Speed It Up

Girl: Your baby's heartbeat is faster than 140 beats per minute.
Play Ball

Girl: Your belly is round like a basketball.
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Preteen Blues

Girl: You have tons of zits
Up High

Girl: You're carrying high
Round It Out

Your face is all round and moon-like
Beauty Thief

Girl: You look like shit … because girls steal your beauty
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Look Out Below

Girl: You're a barfing machine

Girl: Your left hooter is bigger than your right.
Mirror Mirror

You look at yourself in the mirror for at least a minute, but your pupils don't dilate (???)
Sweet Tooth

Girl: You're craving sweet things, like fruit or fistfuls of Junior Mints
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Debbie Downer

Girl: You're having lots of mood swings
Face Up

Girl: When someone asks you to show your hands, you present them palms up
Garlic Monster

Girl: You can eat an entire clove of garlic without smelling like it (tasty! That'll go nicely with your morning sickness)
Where'd It Go?

Girl: Your hair is getting thinner and dull during pregnancy.
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Ladies Man

Girl: Your belly attracts the attention of a toddler boy; if he ignores you, you're having a boy.
Say Mama

Girl: Your previous child's first word was "mama"
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