My husband was a little more freaked out by my pregnancy than I was when we were expecting. And, come to think of it, most guys I know were a little more on edge than their wives were when they were pregnant. Kind of hilarious. Kind of adorable. I guess there's a lot more to be anxious about when you're not the one experiencing pregnancy yourself — you have no idea what's going on.
Here are 11 reasons guys are more afraid of pregnancy than you are — straight from guys' mouths.
1. "My buddy's wife had gotten sick from eating deli meat when she was pregnant — something about the way it's prepared makes it bad for them or something. Every time my wife was near a sandwich, I was scared she'd eat it." –Jared, 34
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2. "I kept hearing stories about not getting any sleep at all. That freaked me out." –Barry, 45
3. "I was nervous I wouldn't be there when my wife went into labor." –Jeff, 33
4. "I was scared the baby would look like me." –Bart, 64
5. "I started getting super concerned about money once we found out my wife was pregnant." –David, 33
6. "I knew I was going to forget everything we learned in that class when my wife went into labor. And I did." –Brent, 36
7. "I was nervous I installed the car seat wrong." –Jeff, 33
8. "It's such a cliche, but I was afraid of … poking the baby during sex." –Dude Who Wishes to Remain Anonymous, 35
9. "Towards the end of my girlfriend's pregnancy, I got scared whenever she drove. You never know, man. One fender bender and it could be a bad scene." –Scott, 36
10. "I was nervous about having to take care of a baby. I had never even held a newborn before, and I can barely take care of myself!" –Brad, 39
11. "Poop." –Bill, 36. I texted Bill back, asking if he was scared of his wife pooping during delivery, or baby poop in general. He's yet to respond.
What was your husband/partner scared of while you were pregnant?
Image via @boetter/Flickr