Baby's first Halloween. It might be better than baby's first Christmas, or, heck, even better than baby's first birthday. Babies in costumes are literally too cute for words. But what is a parent to do on Halloween when baby still loves being carried around? There's no way to center Halloween costumes around a sling or baby carrier, is there? Well, of course there is! Get ready to jot down some of the cutest babywearing costume ideas for parents and babies we've seen.
Lots of new parents want to do Halloween up right with baby in tow. Whether there's a costume party with friends, or the neighborhood Halloween scene is bumping on the block, there is a way to tote the baby and get all costumed up, too! We've found several fun costume ideas that literally let babies hang out while their parents enjoy the festivities.
Yep, there's actually a baby carrier hidden in these costumes! Front-facing, rear-facing, there's an idea that will work for any babywearing situation. The level of creativity may vary, but all of these have serious potential for a best-costume prize!
More from CafeMom: 20 Insanely Creative Stroller Costume Ideas for Halloween
Make baby's first Halloween outing one to remember — or at least one to brag about with photos on Instagram. Here are awesome costumes for babywearing parents!
Good & Evil

Only a true angel would hang out so nicely with the devil. We love this mom devil and her baby angel. Super creative! It's no wonder they won Best Costume.
Bag of Loot

This little sweet baby is the holder of all the goods from his bank robber mama's amazing heist. All in good fun on Halloween.
Little Red Riding Hood & the Big Bad Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood! Stay away from that Big Bad Wolf! At least baby's keeping an eye on things from back there. And that wolf is probably the cutest Big Bad Wolf we've ever seen. Adorable costume idea for baby wearers.
Mr. President & Mr. President

Secure the area! Mr. President and the Commander in Diapers are coming through! And Mom and Dad are their trusted secret service agents. What this country needs is more nap time and less poopy diapers!
Ra Ra Wahhh Wahh

Give me a C-U-T-E. What's that spell? CUTE! This adorable mom made her baby carrier a full cheerleader costume that we can't get enough of. Go, team, go!
Aliens Power Loader Parent/Baby Costume

Okay, if you love the movie Aliens, and are a super creative person with a lot of time, you can attempt to replicate this awesomeness. Jason Smith, the creator of this amazing costume, wrote on YouTube: "I love Halloween, and I wanted to create a costume that my daughter and I could share. She was amazingly content the whole night, and enjoyed looking at everybody else's costumes!" So cute!
It's Gr-r-reat!

Everyone's favorite cereal spokes-tiger gets a tiny makeover! This mom chose to go as a cereal box in what is probably one of the most brilliant babywearing costume of all time, tbh. Now let's just hope that this kid doesn't get a basket full of Frosted Flakes for his Halloween treats!
Harry Potter

No, a baby doesn't have to be in a sling to be Harry Potter, but it's an awfully easy and cute costume for a tyke in a baby carrier. And, if mom feels like dressing up, she can go as any other character from the movie.
Owl in a Tree

Gah! What a great idea! This mama wore a green hat and a big, brown maternity shirt, and stuck her baby inside, so it looks like he's an owl in a tree! Love this!
Hold the Door!

This costume hurts our *Game of Thrones–*loving soul, a little. While dressing a baby up as Hodor, "holding the door" and protecting Bran from White Walkers, is one of the best GoT-inspired costumes we've ever seen, it's too soon! A+ for effort, D for making us want to cry!
Casting a Spell

This mom chose to go as Harry Potter's Professor Sprout with her very own mandrake! Kindly, this Sprout has put a warning on her little enchanted plant:
"CAUTION. Approach only with adequate ear protection, screams are not yet lethal but may cause extended periods of unconsciousness."
A good warning, if this baby mandrake starts to cry!
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $100

Here is a Halloween surprise, the Monopoly Man actually has a name! This mom found a mustache pacifier and knew she had to make a costume that would live up to the gag. After trying many ideas she decided to dress her baby as "Rich Uncle Pennybags," aka the Monopoly Man. Hilarious!
More from CafeMom: 30 Awesomely Easy & Creative Pregnancy Halloween Costumes
Just a Bunch of Grapes

Don't sample these grapes! This mom needs them to make wine! This grape bunch costume is so cute and easy to make too. Just get green and purple balloons and attach them to a baby carrier. Walk around holding a cheap bottle of red wine and BOOM, perfect funny costume.
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

While the mom wearing the ladybug on the right is very cute, we can't stop looking at this baby Olaf! It's homemade and can be perfectly seen while baby is facing mom. We admit it, we do want to build a snowman! And, we are smitten over this Frozen-inspired costume.
One Fish, Two Fish

Here is a costume that is perfectly Seussian. Thing 1 and the Cat in the Hat are certainly up to no good this Halloween, but have no fear, the Fish will stop them before mom comes home! A good choice for a crafty mom who loves a good group costume — why not give this Dr. Seuss–themed carrier a shot?
More from CafeMom: 12 Super Creative Halloween Costumes for Couples
Max and His Boat

Hey there, Wild Thing! Let the Wild Rumpus start! This mom went the full mile not only in creating a precious Max costume from Where the Wild Things Are, but also in dressing herself as Max's boat. We love her attention to detail — check out her amazing wave print skirt and bell sleeves meant to look like the boat's sail. So creative!
It's-a Me, Mario!

Don't jump on this mushroom! While mom and dad don the coolest Mario and Luigi costumes, their little guy is a Super Mushroom. We aren't Super Mario masters, but we can tell this trio is going to win the Halloween costume game!
A Chip Off the Old Block

Who better to trick-or-treat with Belle than Chip, the teacup from Beauty & the Beast? This mom truly went the extra mile to make Halloween special — she even handmade her baby carrier costume! Now where is Lumiere, we wonder?
More from CafeMom: 10 Glamorous Halloween Makeup Looks You Can Do Yourself
The Concession Stand

This clever costume comes with a complementary bag of popcorn! Mom and Dad are the concession workers, older sister is a hot dog (too cute!), and baby? Well, take a look at that popcorn-shaped hat for pure Halloween costume genius!
Feed Me, Mommy

This is not the first person to make an amazing Audrey II costume, and we can see why this character from Little Shop of Horrors makes for an amazing babywearing costume! Broadway fans, this one's a keeper!
Baby King Kong!

An adorable choice for any little monkey. This couples (mom + baby) costume is hilarious! Now our only question is, can this mom comfortably turn her head?
More from CafeMom: Genius Last-Minute Halloween Costume Idea: How to Be a 'Selfie'