When your little ones are still in a stroller, it's hard to really dress them up for Halloween. Sure, you can buy or make them an adorable costume, but let's be honest, costumes just don't have the same effect when kids are in carriages. They can't show 'em off as well! Unless … the stroller is part of the costume. Maybe you're a little crafty, or maybe you're a mom who is excited for her baby's first Halloween — either way, stroller decorating might just be the thing you're looking for!
More from CafeMom: 25 Best Pregnancy Halloween Costumes
From rocket ships to Dracula's tomb, we found some epic baby stroller costume ideas that are going to make your baby look absolutely *kisses finger tips* perfect!
Some parents are DIY rock stars, while others need an easier start into baby costume mania. But trust us, dressing your babies up is one of the great joys before they start asking to be superheros … every year. So take your time and think about all the possibilities for your baby's Halloween stroller. It might even start a whole new Halloween tradition.
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Crafty moms, get out your fabric sheers because here are 20 costumes that you'll be dying to try!
DIY Taco in a Taco Truck Costume

Doesn't get much more creative or adorable than this. Follow these easy instructions, and make your own taco truck stroller cover. yes, the baby goes in the taco! Extra cuteness, please.
Buzz Lightyear to Star Command: We're Going to Need More Candy

What little guy wouldn't want his own spaceship to cruise around in all Halloween night? From the track lighting on the wings, to the Little Green Men on the stroller handle, this is costume is perfection. To infinity and beyond!
Safari Stroll

This is one costume that isn't a tall order. This little giraffe gets to stroll in style and we are loving the whole look! Giraffe onesie? Check. Giraffe shoes? Check. Leaves above and below? Check! Have fun, little wild thing!
More from CafeMom: 10 Easy Last-Minute Halloween Costumes Any Mom Could Pull Off
Cabbage Patch Critter

For all of you '80s babies with a baby, the cabbage patch carrier is pure perfection. Not only do these parents deserve props for making their stroller look like a Cabbage Patch box, but we can't get over that they put their baby in a wig.
Arggg, Matey!

Shiver me timbers! This be a great baby stroller costume idea for all you salty sea dogs and scallywags. We guarantee you and your kid will look impressive. Yo ho ho!
P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney

Whatever you do, don't tap on the glass! This creative costume gets points for being a great Nemo and Darla — whom you might remember from the Pixar classic *Finding Nemo. *We can't take how cute this little fishy is!
More from CafeMom: 20 Tattoos for Anyone Who's Obsessed With Halloween
Good Morrow, Tiny Baby

I tell ye the truth, this baby carriage is perfect for both the Renaissance Fair and for a very olde tyme Halloween costume. This little apothecary cart is good for your little maester to dispense his potions (aka candy) and for keeping mom rolling in medieval style. Huzzah!
Holy Halloween, Batman!

No need for a utility belt — this Batman and Robin costume is pure Halloween gold, thanks to the addition of this awesome Batmobile stroller. To the Batstroller, Batman!
The Force Is Strong With This One

Smell my feet, trick or treat, young jedi! This is a project for the family that means business when it comes to cosplaying — check out this sweet R2D2 baby stroller in the back. And for anyone who tries this at home: May the force be with you!
More from CafeMom: 20 Halloween Crafts Kids Can Make Themselves

This cute little guy is both back from the dead and needs to be back home before sundown. Say hello to the tiniest Dracula you've ever seen. He'll suck your blood, but not before taking a nap.
Who Ya Gonna Call?

Don't get slimed this Halloween. Dress you and your baby up like Ghostbusters and cruise off to save the day in your very own Ecto-1 baby stroller. See ya later, Zuul!
The Littlest Shopkin

If you're looking to be the coolest mom in your local Halloween parade, dress your baby stroller like a Shopkin cupcake. In her shiny Shopkins box, your baby will not only be your little sweetie, but will be a sweet treat for all to see! So cute!
More from CafeMom: 17 Ways to DIY Your Way to the Spookiest Halloween Ever
Clever Baby
Unfortunately for this couple, the box they were moving got caught by a T-Rex and left their precious cargo completely exposed! Don't get caught by a T-Rex like this family did. Dress your baby stroller like a prop from Jurassic Park.
Find Your Prince Charming

You know what they say; you have to kiss a lot of frogs to get your Prince Charming. Well, why not make it easier and dress your stroller up like a frog kissing booth? Ribbit, ribbit!
Blast Off!

One small step for baby, one giant leap for baby-kind. Set your little voyageur off on his very first mission with this stroller rocket ship. Three, two, one … blast off!
More from CafeMom: Most Popular Halloween Candy by State: Do You Know Yours?
Honk, honk!

Hello, little big wheeler! We are thoroughly impressed with this truck costume which not only is a great idea, but makes both mom and baby look super tough. Honk the horn if you love candy!
Man the Tank!

If you really want to impress during trick-or-treating, make your baby's stroller a tank. Not only will it let your little army soldier let her creativity soar, but it will surely command some respect as you roll down the block.
Feed Me, Seymour

This stroller dressed like Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors is the real deal. We can't get over it. If there is one giant man-eating plant from outer space costume you should try this Halloween, this is the one!
More from CafeMom: 14 Classic Halloween Movies to Spook Out the Whole Fam (Yep, Kids, Too)
I Have Many Leather Bound Books

Hey everyone, come and see how good I look! Truly some A+ parenting. This mom chose to dress her baby up as Will Ferrell's character in Anchorman at his desk and we 100 percent approve. You stay classy, CafeMom.
Snuggle Soft

This is possibly the comfiest costume we can suggest this Halloween. Step one, put blankets all over your stroller. Step two, dress baby as the Snuggle Bear. Step three, Halloween infamy.