Did you hear about this baby shower note that's gone viral? Apparently an expecting mom sent her friend a rude but rhyming note after she failed to show up for her shower, or even send a gift. You have to hear it to believe it — and maybe then you still won't believe it, because it's so outrageously impertinent it has to be a hoax, right? Or … maybe it's the real deal.
At any rate, Bridezillas aren't the only ones to turn a party into a nightmare. Introducing the Baby Showerzilla — the woman who terrorizes her baby shower guests with her outrageous demands and behavior. Here's some of the worst real-life examples women have ever seen.
1. It's generally considered unusual for a woman to have a shower for her second baby, especially if the baby is of the same gender. One woman had a second-baby shower and requested cash only instead of gifts.
2. Some women report friendships ending because they did not buy a friend a big-ticket item from their registry.
3. I guess a pregnant woman can be forgiven for showing up for her own shower late — but an hour and a half late? One pregnant woman did just that, and immediately set about opening the gifts without even greeting her guests. She left immediately after to attend another, concurrent shower in her honor. Oh yeah, and she never sent thank-you notes.
4. One woman says, "I bought a woman a belly band (as well as other things for her and baby) because I knew she was having a scheduled C-section and I know it helped me wonders when I had one. She threw a fit about it. Something about it being the same as calling her fat."
5. A demanding mom-to-be requested that all clothing and toys be from specific brands. Any gifts from other brands were promptly returned to the offending party guest — at the shower!
6. One woman's sister-in-law asked her for an expensive travel system as her gift, even though the mom-to-be already had a stroller set. This request was ignored, and the woman bought some other nice gifts instead. When the expecting sister-in-law found out the morning of the shower she threw a screaming fit, called her sister-in-law a c***, and kicked her out of her home.
7. After receiving a generous bundle of gifts from a woman who couldn't attend a shower because of her own high-risk pregnancy, one ungrateful pregnant woman demanded receipts for the gifts, saying, "If you can't bother to come to my shower, I don't want your s**!!!" She was serious about getting those receipts to keep the cash for herself, by the way.
8. Another ungrateful shower recipient threw every package of diapers she received behind her, saying "geez, more diapers!" Hopefully she appreciated all those boring diapers when she went through them all in about a week's time.
What's the rudest thing you ever saw a pregnant woman do at her shower?
Image via Corbis