So, you have a baby, and now you want to let the world know by plastering something on your car bumper. Which makes total sense: cars are our calling card. Plus, with kids you'll be spending a LOT of time in there ferrying them from play dates to soccer practice. In short, the back of your trusty SUV is the prime place to express yourself!
Fortunately, bumper stickers for parents have evolved way beyond earnest messages like "Baby on Board!" and those annoying stick figure family decals, too. There are bumper stickers for moms who swear they've lost their minds, stickers for dads struggling to make peace with the fact that they drive a minivan instead of a Porsche, heck, there are even bumper stickers for moms of multiples.
In short, there's a bumper sticker for whatever sums up your parenting situation and style and your sense of humor to boot. So whether you're shopping for one or just want a laugh, check out these hilarious options.
Who wants #5 on their car?
Image © iStock.com/alexxx1981
Great Twist on a Classic

A nice play off the classic "baby on board" bumper sticker that makes a hilarious point: grownups don't exactly want to die either.
Moms Nap When?!

We just hope that cops driving by know this is just a joke. It is just a joke, right?
I Feel the Need ... the Need for Speed

Do cops change diapers?
No Honor Roll? No Problem!

Hey, just because your kid didn't make honor roll doesn't mean you can't crow about his talents, right?
For the Pushover Parent

Let's face it: babies wear the pants in many families.
The Anti-Bumper Sticker Sticker

For the confident parent with confident kids.
So True

Only her passengers never tip. What's up with that?
More from The Stir: 14 Funny Alternatives to Annoying 'Stick Family' Car Decals (PHOTOS)
Mommy Brain Explained

Ah, so THAT'S a reason you can't find your keys, or forgot to put pants on your toddler.
This May Be a Little Too Honest

Yeah, we know those pangs of regret, those moments when you go, "Sheesh, was this kid thing a good idea? What have I done?"
Scary, Indeed

This is one lady you definitely don't want to mess with …
Proud WHAT?!

This one's unintentionally funny. At least we think it is.
How It All Began

Baby-making all starts innocently enough … then boom, here we are, serving as kid chauffeur and breaking up fights in the back seat.
More from The Stir: 20 Onesies Way Too Disturbing for a Baby (PHOTOS)
That's a Stinker

Every family's worst nightmare.
Your Insanity Explained

Ever wonder why you're prone to fits of road rage? It all makes sense now.
I Dreamed a Dream ...

Ah, the endless carpools to soccer practice … the non-stop backseat bickering over who gets to play with the iPad … yes, you have arrived.
Cool No More

This bumper sticker isn't necessarily just for parents. Oh wait, yes it is …
More from The Stir: 9 Dangerous Car Seat Mistakes Parents Make & How to Fix Them
Mom in Denial

What? You haven't wanted to disown your kids at some point and pretend they're someone else's problem? Liar!
Hey, We Have Our Priorities

And besides, Fido is so much less demanding …
For Dads Who've Given Up

Sorry, dads, your dreams are dead.
The Secret to Keep Kids Out of Trouble Is ...

Straps? Why didn't we think of that? (Kidding, kidding.)
Word to the Wise

Just in case the rest of these bumper stickers don't already make this message clear, here it is one more time, guys.
More from The Stir: 29 Weird & Creepy Baby Shower Cakes for Boys