Whether you Go Army, Semper Fi, or live "not for self but country," if the military's a part of your or a loved one's life, of course you'll also want it to be a part of your baby's, too. Military-inspired names for boys aren't solely the namesakes of war heroes. These days, any powerful-sounding military term is fair game. (We've even heard of parents choosing "Kevlar," after bullet-proof vests.)
Check out our list of names to see which might be perfect for your newest troop.
Admiral: This take-charge name had its peak in the 1880s. Isn't it about time to bring it back?
Benning: The next "Channing," Benning pays homage to the US military post in Georgia.
Cadet: Although its 17th-century French meaning is "younger" or "junior," Cadet today sounds far more rugged.
Cannon: This preppy name (which actually originates in an English word for "clergyman") is nevertheless a strong, straight-shooting choice for a boy.
Charlie: Sure, there's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlie Brown, but we're thinking of the much cooler military stand-in for the letter "C."
Commodore: The traditional title for any officer assigned command of more than one ship at once, Commodore has an old-fashioned, athletic feel. Think "Como" for short.
Garrison: In the military, a garrison means a military post or body of troops. As a boy's name, it's one-of-a-kind.
General: Kids are in charge anyway. Why not put it on the birth certificate and make it official?
Gunner: Sometimes spelled "Gunnar," this name comes from the Old Norse Gunnarr and means war or battle.
Honor: From the Latin word for dignity, this name (which also works great for girls, as Jessica Alba knows) commands respect.
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Kane: In Gaelic, "Kane" means fighter and the French meaning is "field of combat." It's already a popular boy's name in Australia.
Knox: This Old English name makes us think of the famous military base, Fort Knox. Angelina and Brad like how strong it sounds, too; it's the name of their youngest son.
Major: This Latin name, which means "greater," has been rising in the ranks over the past few years.
Maverick: Independent, trustworthy, and a hint rebellious, just like Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise), the hero of the '80s classic flick Top Gun.
Patton: The namesake of this confident name: US General George Patton, who commanded American troops during World War II.
Pershing: There's a reason why Pershing sounds like the name of the next big action hero. Army General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing led American forces into Europe during World War I.
Pilot: Years ago, Clerks actor Jason Lee named his son Pilot. This hip moniker is long overdue to take off.
Ranger: Although in French, Ranger means "guardian of the forest," this name has some serious swagger.
Stryker: Futuristic sounding, sure, but there's an unmistakable military connection here: Stryker is a manufacturer of armored vehicles used in the US military.
More from CafeMom: 20 Strong Military Baby Names for Little Girls
Tankred: It takes guts to pull off "Tank" as a baby name, but Tankred will sound great if he gets elected President one day. The Old High-German name means "considerate counsellor."
Ulysses: Ulysses, which can be shortened to the kid-friendly Ully or Ulee, was both the hero of the Odyssey and a military genius who became the 18th US President.
Victor: Out of fashion for years, Victor is making a, shall we say, victorious comeback. Today it's seen as powerful — the name of a winner.