For many of us, labor is a blur of mad pain, followed by the exquisite joy of meeting our child for the first time. But some women have the foresight to have a photographer present, not only to capture their swaddled, cleaned up newborn, but the very moment he or she entered the world.
We asked birth photographers to share some of their most powerful images of babies right as they entered the world with us. Click through and you'll be reminded of just how astonishing and life-changing it is to become a mom.
Which of these stunning images is your favorite?
Image via Hello Baby Birth Photography
A Healing Moment

"This photo has a heck of a story. [The mother's] brother was tragically murdered four years ago in a burglary home invasion. Her husband was best friends with him before he was killed. He and the mother met at the funeral … started dating and soon married. This sweet baby, and the moments just after his birth, were so powerful and healing for a wound that runs so deep." — Neely Ker-Fox, Ker-Fox Photography
Underwater Arrival

"This mom had planned on a water birth and was in the birth tub earlier in her labor, but had gotten out to try some other positions. Just when I thought we were going to end up with baby being born in a dark corner of the living room, Mom returned to the tub just in time to deliver her daughter … and just as the sun was coming up." — Laura Eckert, New Creation Birth Photography
A Good Catch

"This mama transitioned from 3cm to 10cm in a matter of moments … an intense process to fly through so quickly. She was brave, and when it was time for her baby to emerge, she mustered the strength to reach down and pull her baby up by herself. It was inspiring and a true testament to the power a woman has in labor." — Jaydene Freund, Cradled Creations Birth Photography
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Welcome to the World

"This mom had planned a home water birth; however, she had gotten out of the tub for a moment, and in that moment, she felt the baby coming. She calmly kneeled down and with a couple pushes welcomed her baby right there on the bathroom floor. It was a beautiful, surreal moment, and I think in the end, she was glad it all happened so quickly." — Jaydene Freund, Cradled Creations Birth Photography
First Look

"Isn't it extraordinary to get a chance to freeze the moment when a child breathes their first breath?" — Ashley Wright, Ashley Wright Photography
Eyes Wide Open

"This was a beautiful home waterbirth. After just a few hours, the parents were eagerly awaiting the birth of their third child. The gender of the baby was a surprise. Not until the midwife reached down to pull the baby onto her mother's chest did they learn she was a sweet baby girl." — Paige Driscoll, Santa Cruz Birth Photography
Hello, Baby

"When this mama told me she had 'fast labors,' I worried she wouldn't make it to the hospital and I'd be photographing her birth on the side of the road. However, it turned out to be the most relaxed textbook delivery … Three pushes and baby girl was safely delivered. Baby #4, finally a sister for three very excited big brothers!" — Aubrie Moates, Hello Baby Birth Photography
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That First Cry

"The first breath of a baby is magical. Nine times out of ten that first breath and cry will make Mom cry, too. Six times out of ten, dad, too. I love capturing those first breaths." — Heather Alvarado, Heartstrings Photography by Heather
Unraveling the Cord

"[In this image] the midwife is unwrapping the cord from the baby's neck. It was wrapped three times! The baby was okay … but it was fascinating to watch the midwife unravel it and see how long it was." — Leilani Rogers, Photos by Lei
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A Twin Delivery

"This was a defining shot for me as a birth photographer. This photo was taken at a home birth, and this baby was the second of twins. When she came out in the amniotic sac, I had about five seconds to compose and shoot. The room was dark, tiny, and full of people … I didn't even have time to see it with my own eyes!" — Leilani Rogers, Photos By Lei
A Gentle Entrance

"This was a special birth. The two moms worked long and hard, but in the end, they decided with their birth team that a Caesarean section was the best option after a more than two-day induction. The procedure was what's called a 'gentle' C-section … When they delivered the head, the team alowed him to be born very slowly just as he would in a vaginal birth." — Natasha Hance, NHance Photography
First Step

"This little guy was born via 'gentle C-section,' due to breech presentation. It was one of the most emotional, peaceful, and beautiful births I have ever attended … One of the most precious things to witness was baby coming out with his bottom and legs first and then keeping his legs up just like he was positioned in utero." — Ina Boteva, Birth Is Beautiful — Captured By Ina
A Helping Hand

"We love this image because it captured three amazing things: Baby's first breath, Mom's first look, and Dad lifting his baby from the water." — Jessica Anders, Sacred Stories Birth Photography
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