If you're pregnant, you've probably considered capturing this amazing time in your life with some pregnancy portraits. But how should you pose? Well, for starters, consider not following in the footsteps of any of the pregnant women who pop up in stock images, which feature moms-to-be with an array of questionable props and themes (guns? pizza?).
Take a look, have a laugh, then try something completely different, please.
What exactly is #15 trying to say to us … and why does it make us feel like we're in a horror film?
Image © Josh Gosfield/Corbis
Thank You, Mr. Stork

See, son, babies come from storks. So even though you might think your little sister/brother is in my tummy, a bird just like this one will drop the baby off with us very soon! Won't that be nice? Er, we don't think this kid is buying it.
Pregnant By Day, Killer By Night

She's bringing a life into the world but moonlights as a cold-blooded killer. With her belly exposed, of course.
Pregnant, Curlers, and ... Pizza?

Because all pregnant women love putting their hair in curlers, prancing around half naked, and eating a whole pizza. right?
Well, OK, so the pizza part is right …

Pregnant women don't eat like normal people — they eat like savages! Here's proof.
Time for a Tattoo!

Hey, pregnancy is the perfect time to get inked! And not just something pretty like a flower or a bird, but literally the word "tattoo," scribbled on as if by a 4-year-old. Yup, that'll look great with some stretchmarks.
Time to Get Hitched!

As far as marriage proposals go, this one takes the cake. We hope the guy said yes!
More from The Stir: 10 Funny Ways to Announce a 'Surprise' Pregnancy
Creepy OB/GYN Visit

And you thought your OB/GYN was weird? Not to mention that school girl outfit …
Pregnant Hillbillies

Yee-haw, we're pregnant! Time to celebrate by shootin' some squirrels in the backyard, smoking some cigs, and putting curlers in my hair!
She's a Lumberjack, and It's OK

Ever had that craving to chop down a tree while pregnant? No? We haven't either.
Gender Bending

Who says that only women get to be preggers? Let's swap roles. I'll wear a moustache, you wear a wig, but don't bother shaving your goatee …
Hot Tamale?

That's one way to get labor started …
Pregnancy Glam

Pregnant? Time for a Vogue-style fashion statement, like a red dress that magically unfurls in the air. Who said maternity clothes are boring?
More from The Stir: 10 Strange & Unrealistic Stock Photos of Pregnant Women
The Clock Is Ticking ...

Yup the countdown to the big day has begun, so this lady bought a clock and released a dove to commemorate the occasion … as you do.
Belly Stand-off

Hey, your beer belly and my pregnant belly look exactly the same size! Only yours is hairier.

If this were a movie, it would be called The Pregnant Bunny Massacre. All she needs is a knife or axe in her hand and we're good to go.
Fifty Shades of Weird

You know how lingerie is a gift men buy for themselves? Well, here's a perfect example of that.
Talk to the Tummy

Hey, people are obsessed with talking to my stomach anyway, so let's make it even easier by painting on a face! But what's with the hair … ?
More from The Stir: 15 Unintentionally Hilarious & Inappropriate Kid Drawings (PHOTOS)
Get This Baby Out of Me!

Just look at me, I'm huge! And my mood swings are awful. And every time I put on mascara, I cry. Pregnancy is the pits. Hey, let's take a photo!
More from The Stir: 15 Fabulous Pregnancy Announcement Ideas (PHOTOS)
What to Eat?

Broccoli or French fries? It's a tough call. Broccoli is better for the baby, but every cell in my body is screaming for greasy starchy goodness. How about I just eat both? And yeah, let's totally take a photo too.
Me and My Shadow

A pregnant profile photo is classic, but this one is just a little … creepy?