20 ‘Oh’ So Cute Baby Names With an ‘O’ Sound

What do Noah and Sophia, two of the hottest baby names right now, have in common? Throw out as many adjectives as you want — they're both elegant, charming, traditional, etc. But the secret to their attraction may just be that they both have a long "O" sound. And baby names that include the sound of "oh" are all the rage.

"Parents don't want to just write the circle of an O, like Robert," explains baby naming expert Laura Wattenberg, founder of Baby Name Wizard. "They want the 'oh' sound itself."

Certainly, some celeb parents jumped on the "oh"-sound bandwagon early on. Brad and Angelina have Shiloh. Nicole Richie named her daughters Harlow and Sparrow. "But trends this big don't come from celebrity names," says Wattenberg. "There's a huge overarching desire right now to choose names that contain long vowels and crisp consonants."

Names with long "A" sounds like Aiden and Ava have been "hugely dominant for years," Wattenberg points out, "so now parents are looking to I, U, and O."

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Surprisingly, names that actually end with the letter "O" aren't as popular as names that end on a consonant. "For instance, 'Marlo' is still stuck in the '60's," Wattenberg says, "but 'Marlow' is a rising name for girls. It has a nice, unexpected sound without going too masculine."

So what are some other hot names containing "oh" to look out for? Here are a few to put on your short list.

For Boys:

1. Arrow: Straight-shooting and strong, this name is only going up in popularity.

2. Bruno: Already popular in other parts of the world, Bruno's old-world charm is starting to catch on in the US.

3. Carrow: Pronounced "CAR-oh," we like the prep-school feel of this boys' name.

4. Kohl: A freshened up version of Cole, although both spellings share a likable charm.

5. Leonardo: Leo is strong enough to appeal to guys and sweet enough for girls to relate to.

6. Otto: This name of German descent is confident and smart, with just a hint of cuddliness.

7. Rocco: A big name for baby boys to grow into.

8. Shadow: No longer just for black cats, this name has real depth.

9. Woodrow: Responsible, fair-minded, and trustworthy — all the qualities you want your son to grow up to have.

10. Yarrow: Unique without being off-putting, Yarrow has a quirky likability.

For Girls:

1. Harlow: This quiet bombshell of a name manages to connote equal parts smarts and style.

2. Joey: Dawson's Creek is long gone, but the irresistably tomboy-ish name Joey will live forever in our hearts.

3. Margot: Sophisticated, distinctive, and come on, what other name allows you to use "Go-go" for the cutest nickname ever?

4. Meadow: You don't have to be a fan of The Sopranos to appreciate the natural beauty of this girls' name.

5. Morrow: Meaning "the morning," we feel certain this name is on the rise.

6. Posey: We have no idea why this unique name isn't on everyone's short list. Reminiscent of olde England and princesses, with a hint of whimsy. Try it spelled "Posy" or "Poesie," too.

7. Shiloh: Endearing, especially when you consider it comes with two equally sweet nicknames, "Shi" or "Lo."

8. Sparrow: We love the delicate strength of this uplifting name.

9. Willow: A name as graceful and resilient as the tree it's named for.

10. Wynslow: The "y" makes this staid moniker surprisingly modern and feminine.

Which of these "oh" names do you like the best?

For more great baby name ideas to find your perfect baby name match, visit Baby Name Wizard.

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