Do you know a mother who exemplifies strength in your mind? We've all met a woman at some point who we admire for her strength. Mothers especially seem to be capable of endurance and stamina in the most difficult times, and our sponsor P&G wants to recognize and acknowledge that strength this year.
What Makes A Mother Strong?
Over the years, as a mother, there have been many times that I felt less than strong. Juggling children, health issues, finances, marriage, work, and just the desire to find success in all areas can leave you overwhelmed.
I recall as a young mother seeing one friend in particular go through a heartbreaking struggle when her young son was diagnosed with heart disease and passed away shortly after birth. She already had a three year old daughter, a full-time career, and was busy in many church and community groups. She had every right and reason to stay at home and mourn away from the prying eyes of the community. Instead, she gathered strength to show her daughter love and fun despite the pain in her heart.
When asked how she could have a smile on her face in the wake of such pain, her response was simply that her daughter needed her whole and happy. She knew that while she wanted to stay home to hide and cry all day, her young daughter still needed a happy and healthy mom to care for her. In the midst of her pain, she made sure to seek out help when she needed a break, and always put her daughter first. This was true strength for me to follow in my own life as a mother.
Here are some things that I feel are examples of what makes a mother strong:
Humility and knowing when they aren't the best for a job
Ability to ask for help when needed
Putting their child before their own desires
Focus on physical and emotional health to lead their children by examples
Playing an active role in helping others in the community as an example of compassion
Ability to set limits for their children for their protection and overall well being
Healthy eating habits in front of children even when they want to indulge
Sharing lessons from their own life with their children
Being honest with their own struggles
Making good choices that preserve the earth
Teaching about the value of money and giving back to those who are less fortunate
P&G is active in encouraging moms to be strong for their children. As they promote the Strong movie, and the strength needed for Olympians to compete, they remind us as mothers that we are just as strong in our daily lives. Whether you have a child athlete, a special needs child, or a child that prefers the quiet of reading books, your job as a mother requires strength every day in different ways.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ3k6BFX2uw
There are many times as a mom that being strong is something you just have to make happen. Strength doesn't come just from lifting weights and eating healthy. Strong moms are made every day when they have to make hard decisions about finances, health, activities their kids can participate in, and even what television shows their kids will watch. Being a mom requires a lot of strength that you never imagine needing, but that many find comes at just the right time.
In the end… a Mom’s strength makes a huge impact on her children.
Thank you, Mom by P&G – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Heather Smith is a 3rd grade teacher turned stay-at-home mom. Her blog, OurKidsMom.com, is a lifestyle blog that focuses on travel, tech, food, crafts, and fun, family-friendly products.
This post brought to you by P&G. All opinions are my own.