We've all seen those hilarious text fails that are usually the product of that blessing and curse autocorrect. But some messages between parents and kids are laugh-out-loud funny all on their own. We've all been there — someone accidentally sends the wrong response to the wrong person and all heck lets loose. But when it's parents and their kids, the results are … well, "SO EMBARRASSING," is what the kids would say.
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There is no telling what these parents will text their unsuspecting children. And no one has made more of a mockery of modern texting language than moms and mads. Just FYI, "LOL" does not mean "Lots of Love," and we don't even want to spoil which emoticon got a 15-year-old boy in deep trouble with his mom! The answer might just convince a mom to take away her son's cellphone.
From simple misunderstandings to wildly inappropriate use of acronyms and symbols, these messages would make anyone's day — and maybe remind parents to double-check before they hit that send button!
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Take a look at these hilarious text fails. May they be a lesson to us all.
Answer Me!

Looks like someone's a little impatient! If all those texts beeps don't get Mom's attention, nothing will.
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What's for Dinner?

Hmmm, though lentil soup sounds delicious to us, it seems like this kid is having none of it!
Stay in Your Room

Even if getting up on the roof isn't in the cards, the babysitter did the right thing here in sending this youngster to his room!

Poor Mom. It's hard to keep up with all those acronyms. Let's hope no one took offense to this!
Wrong Recipient

"This wasn't sent to me. But it was meant for me!! Instead my son accidentally sent it to a girl he's interested in. Unfortunately, she never did speak to him again," shares a mom from the CafeMom community.
More from The Stir: Crazy' Mom's Viral Texts to Daughter Will Make You Laugh & Cringe
Voice Activation

Parents need a handy shortcut like voice activation — but not when the results turn out like this!
Finger Photo

If only that finger weren't blocking the view! Wonder what we're actually supposed to see!
Grammar Police

Apparently, Mom isn't bothered by slut-shaming as much as she's ticked off about grammar.
More from The Stir: 17 Hilarious Texts From Grandmas (PHOTOS)
Viagra Falls

Viagra Falls sounds like a grown-ups-only attraction!
How I Roll

You have to love the literal interpretation of this!
Fro-Yo Future

Wow, Dad, thanks for the vote of confidence!
Push-Pops -- Say What?

Hmmm, we've never heard this one before!

Oh, Mom, you shouldn't have to see this!