Potty Training Help – What is Your Child’s Potty Personality?

I'll admit that I struggled a bit when I was potty training my first daughter. My friends' children were all a little bit older than my daughter, so most of them had already potty trained. I listened to what worked with my friends and tried those things with my daughter.

They didn't work.

Of course I can look back now and understand that was because children are all different. They have different personalities and different temperaments, so what works for one child often won't work for the next.

The Pull-Ups® Potty Partnership – A Whole New Way to Potty Train

Those differences in my kids' personalities are the reason the Pull-Ups® Potty Partnership is such a big help. Based on research and observation of personality types in young children, Pull-Ups has developed five different potty training personalities: Puppy, Owl, Bear Cub, Turtle, and Squirrel.

The potty training personalities were created with child development experts, including Dr. Heather Wittenberg, to help parents understand their children's personality types and help figure out what will work best for them. Once you know your child's potty personality, you can use the tips, tools and advice to guide and support you and your child throughout your potty training journey together specific to how they learn. There are even fun incentives that kids love including potty charts, stickers and games.

Getting Started

I took the Pull-Ups potty personality quiz to learn more about my son's potty personality and found out that my little boy is a Puppy potty personality, with a few of the traits of a Bear Cub.

Thankfully, with my little boy, those Puppy qualities have made potty training easier. My son is eager to please and to learn new things like his big sisters, so he has been excited about doing a good job and using the “big boy” potty.

I find this so interesting! My kids are all fairly mild-mannered and have similar senses of humor and similar interests, so I might have thought they'd have similar results on the quiz. My son was the Puppy and my older daughter is a Squirrel, who is always too busy to slow down so she needs to be engaged with praise and games. My other daughter is a Turtle, who needs a little time to adjust to changes but is persistent and will slowly but surely get there.

The quiz took into account little things I might not have considered about how interested the child is in new things like, how long he/she wants to stick with a new task and even how he/she reacts when it's time to go to the potty. Reading through their potty personality quiz results though, I totally agree with all of it. They're all exactly right!

I wish I'd been able to use the Pull-Ups Potty Partnership when my first was starting her potty training. What a difference actually understanding your child's personality makes!

Why Pull-Ups® Training Pants?

Pull-Ups Training Pants are designed specifically to help teach potty training skills. Because they look and fit more like underwear, they give my son the independence to slide his pants on and off by himself, teaching him an important skill for potty-training.

Plus, the move from diapers to Pull-Ups was a big one symbolically for my son. He was excited about moving up to “big boy” training pants and proud of himself for learning to go to the potty like his big sisters. It was important for us to stay consistent with Pull-Ups so he knew we were working on using the potty from then on and not looking back.

To find out your child’s potty personality, take the personality quiz at Pull-Ups.com, and get tools and advice to help you and your child partner together throughout the potty training journey.

Mickey Coutts is the mother of three and blog owner at A Helicopter Mom, a helpful and fun resource to make life a little easier for busy moms. Her blog also features reviews, product giveaways, and in-person coverage of local and national conferences and events.

This post is sponsored by Pull-Ups® Training Pants. All opinions are my own.