For many parents, when it comes time to name their baby, they want the name to have a special meaning. One cute way to honor the child's birth is to give the little one a name with significance to the birth month. For babies born in June, we've compiled the best June-themed baby names. June falls in the middle of the year during the summer season, and it has ties to beautiful birthstones and strong astrological signs. There are so many things in the natural world and beyond to draw inspiration from when coming up with a baby name related to the month of June.
There are some more obvious homages and some more subtle and unique monikers. Basically, there's a little something for every June baby. Read on to see all the options.
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It's worth stating the obvious, because the month of June itself can be a wonderful baby name. Per Mom.com, the name June is derived from the Roman god of marriage and the queen of the gods. This name is appropriate for a little girl with a take-charge attitude.

For parents who want a nod to June without explicitly naming their child after the month, the name Juniper is a perfect compromise. It's also nature-themed, as in juniper trees and juniper berries. For an outdoorsy family, this could be the perfect moniker for a little kid.

Jude sounds like June but is a little more gender neutral, so it could work for a baby boy or a baby girl. It's also not a super obvious reference to the month, but the parents will always know its roots. Plus, if the family are already Beatles fans, the song "Hey Jude" will get an extra cool meaning.
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One of the three birthstones for June is the pearl, per the American Gem Society. Pearl is a sweet moniker that's a little bit old school, so the child wouldn't necessarily be competing with a bunch of other Pearls in her classes. The name ranked 805th on the Social Security Administration's name chart for last year. It's not totally obscure, but it's just unusual enough.

Another June birthstone, according to the American Gem Society is Alexandrite, a purplish green gem. Parents who want to name their child in reference to this stone can call the child Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, or even Alexandrite to hit the nail on the head. It has so many options.

The final June birthstone is Moonstone, making Moon the perfect gender neutral name for a June baby. It's super unusual but totally adorable. Just imagine stargazing as the child gets older and getting to tell the little one about being named after something as stunning as the moon.

Luna is another moon-based name that would work for a little girl. Luna was the Roman goddess of the moon, according to the World History Encyclopedia. It also is the literal translation of "moon" in languages such as Italian and Spanish, so if a family has Hispanic or Italian heritage, this baby name would be a cool way to honor that.

Although Luna is the Roman moon goddess, Selene is the Greek version. Both make for great baby names. It can be spelled the Greek way with an "s" or with a "c" like Celine Dion spells her name. It can even be accentuated with an extra "a" to make the name Selena. It's cute in any variation.

June always marks the beginning of summer, and parents who are fans of the season can use it as a baby name. That way, even when it's cold and dreary in February, the little Summer child can still brighten the day. The name ranked 141 on the Social Security Administration's list of most popular names last year.

Apollo is the god of light and the sun in Greek mythology, so it's an appropriate name for a baby born in the midst of the warmest season. As a bonus, Apollo was also the god of the arts, so perhaps giving a child this name will lead to an artistic journey in life.

Want a sunshine-y name but not sold on Apollo? Give Elio a whirl instead. The name is also derived from a sun god, Helios, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. It's a little less common, which is nice for parents who don't want too obvious of a June-themed name.

In many places, June is one of the rainiest months of the year and can be filled with thunderstorms, according to The Weather Channel. Parents can make a nod to the rainy season with this baby name, or they can copy Kourtney Kardashian and spell it "Reign."

With all the rain that June produces, it leads to a lot of flowers blooming. Instead of a flower-specific name, parents can just do an overall nod to gardening with the pretty name Flora. Per Merriam-Webster, The word is Latin for "flower" and Flora was the Roman god of wildflowers.

For parent who want a specific plant to name their child after, iris blooms tend to show up in June, according to Gardens Illustrated. Iris was also the Greek goddess of the rainbow, so this name honors both the rainy and the floral parts of June.

According to the New England Botanical Garden, "false indigo" is a common June flowering plant. The name Indigo can be gender neutral, so it's a good choice for parents who maybe like the floral trend but are having a little boy. Hopefully the little one's favorite color ends up being blue or purple.

Another popular June bloom is the rose, which is also a classic baby name. It's actually been gaining in popularity over the last two decades. In 2000, Rose was the 299th most popular baby name, according to the Social Security Administration. But in 2023, it had climbed to 124th most popular.
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Gemini babies are those born between May 21 to June 20. For new babies born around those dates, the name Gem is a sweet nod to their astrological sign. Parents could also lengthen the reference and name the child Gemima instead. Either name is pretty adorable.

The element associated with the Gemini astrology sign is air, according to The Cut. Why not name an early June baby Aaron in honor of that air element? It works when spelled Erin as well, for anyone who is expecting a girl in June. Or to be more unusual, spell it like Aryn or another variation.

The latter half of June falls into the Cancer astrology sign — June 21 until July 22. The element associated with Cancer is water, according to The Cut. That means a water-themed name would be perfect for a baby born toward the end of June. We like River because it works for a boy or a girl.

Another water-y name is Caspian, after the expansive Caspian Sea. Kids with this name will also love reading The Chronicles of Narnia series because of the prince named Caspian. The bonus of this moniker is that it isn't very popular, so it'll make a child unique. According to the Social Security Administration, Caspian was ranked 665th for names in 2023.