There is something magical about childbirth. It is an ordinary miracle, but one that changes a family forever. When a baby is born, life doesn't just change for the new parents. If there are older kids in the house, a birth changes their entire family dynamic. It's no wonder an increasing number of parents are opting to invite their older children to take part in the birthing experience, allowing them to welcome their new siblings to the world. It might sound a little strange, but allowing children into the delivery room gave these parents a sense of family.
Having kids in the delivery room can be a daunting idea. A delivery room is already fast-paced and there are usually lots of adults urgently moving around to get mom ready for baby. But as more and more parents are opting for a home birth, the option to have their children in the birth room seems more appealing. Just think – the whole family gets to be together when the newest member is born. We asked moms and birth photographers to share some of the most amazing moments of kids helping their moms get through the labor experience. From little doulas to mini midwives, these kids show that birth is truly a family affair.
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In This Together

Big brothers and sisters are common sights at the Babymoon Inn, a birth center in Phoenix, Arizona, but this little guy blew them away. The toddler, who was born at Babymoon himself, hopped right in the birthing tub to help his mom labor through some intense contractions.
Calming Cuddles

"The intuitive nature of young children in their mother's sacred birth space is something truly magical to witness," says Austin, Texas–area birth photographer Kayla Gonzales, who captured this shot. "This rambunctious toddler immediately calmed when things grew intense, quietly observing as the birth of her baby brother unfolded. Her older brother held space silently, pulling up a small rocking chair next to the birth pool to watch and support his mama. During and after, they never left her side. There is nothing quite like the connectedness of children."
Kisses for Mama

The photographers at This Is Family dubbed the little girl in this picture the "mini midwife" for how dedicated she was to her mom during labor. "From getting water, rubbing her back, and checking in on her mother after an intense contraction, she was there at every step of the birth of her little brother, and she was amazing," they tell CafeMom. "This was one of those sweet moments of connection just after a contraction."
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I'm Right Here

This 5-year-old was incredible to watch during her mom's birth, says photographer April Kraus.
"She was stoic, calm, and comforting her mother. I kept waiting for her to get scared when her mother started screaming and was clearly in pain (she had natural childbirth), but she never wavered," Kraus notes. "She looked at me and calmly said 'I think my baby brother will be here soon.' She was amazing. She has wonderfully loving parents, and she draws her strength from them."
Listening Close

Prior to this image being taken, photographer Erin Fortney says mom Meagan was in the hospital after contracting every four minutes for nearly 12 hours. She planned to attempt a VBAC after an unexpected cesarean with her first child (pictured here!), but she wasn't dilating. Staff told her if she stayed that night, she'd have another C-section due to failure to progress. Meagan left the hospital, driving nearly an hour home, tired and disappointed.
"Fast-forward to this photo, taken almost 24 hours later," Fortney says. "Back in the hospital, she spent a few precious moments with her firstborn, Aria. She was exhausted after nearly two full days of labor, frustrated after labor stalling twice and hearing news that there was meconium present in her fluid. Her midwife explained that she wouldn't be able to hold her baby until NICU assessed him and her heart sank.
"These snuggles from big sister, Aria, were just what mama needed to relax her body and calm her nerves – shortly after, she was (finally!) dilated to 10 cm and … gave birth to a 9 lb., 10 oz. baby boy."
Hand in Hand

Krista Evans called this little guy his mom's "dudela" (get it? like doula?). He never left his mom's side, she says. What a sweet little buddy!
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Just Visiting

Photographer Krista Evans says this is one of her favorite birth images she's ever taken. "Can't you just feel the story being told here?" she says.
And get a load of big bro's little man bun!
In the Tub

"This photo was taken during my second homebirth," says Nicole Lloyd, the mom shown and owner of SoundBirth. "It is special to me because it was the last moments with my firstborn, who was 'helping' me while [I was] having a contraction.
"We had spent every moment of the that previous two years and eight months together, so we had a beautiful bond. I remember sobbing when I needed her to leave so I could focus on birthing that night. I knew it would be the last time it would just be us," Lloyd tells CafeMom.
Checking Her Temperature

"Allowing our older children the opportunity to be with us while I birthed their little brother was a priceless gift for the entire family," mom Crystal says. "I was able to imprint them with an empowered and positive birth experience, free from fear and stress, where all of our individual needs were fully supported and cared for by our birthing team."
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In 20 years of photographing births, photographer Eva Rose says she's seen an increase in the number of home birth couples who choose to involve the kids. "So far it's been a beautiful experience for everyone involved," she says.
Taking It In

"I wanted to give birth together with my family," mom Thea tells CafeMom. "The kids – aged 12, 10, 9, and 8 – were all looking forward to meeting their little brother. We were having a home birth. The oldest and youngest child wanted to take part giving birth; the others wanted to be around.
"The day the birth started, our midwife was busy with another birth and we had to go to the hospital. Then just two of our kids wanted to join. My mum and boyfriend were joining too. Our girl (8 years) had said she wanted to be there for the birth even before we talked about it. She was very clear about that. I wanted them to be able to take part in the birth so that they could see and feel the magic in the room when a baby is born."
Side by Side

Thea's son wanted to remain in the background, although he checked on her regularly. Her 8-year-old daughter, on the other hand, wanted to hop right in the tub with mom! "My baby girl with me in the tub was amazing. I expected [that] having the kids with me giving birth [would] be special, and it was! It was amazing, making us even closer than before," she tells us.
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A Soothing Hand

Thea's daughter copied how her boyfriend massaged her back. The soothing hands helped the mom get through labor.
Hey There!

"She was so caring and sweet," Thea says of her daughter. "She also did some gymnastics in the tub making me laugh. Laughing makes birthing so much easier!"
By Her Side

Midwife Claudia Booker had a little helper at a recent birth. Mom Binahkaye's older son was right by mom's side to welcome a new little buddy to the family.
You OK?

Mom Crystal said birth didn't just bring along a new member of the family. "Our family is much closer after sharing this experience together," she shares.
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All Hands

"I love this photo because it shares the undeniable closeness that is experienced by a family at their home birth," says Katie Hall of this powerful image. Sharing the image on Instagram, the Illinois photographer adds, "This is homebirth. The raw beauty of a mama in immediate postpartum surrounded by the closest people in her life, in the middle of her living room floor, in the middle of the night, on a full moon."