Around one in eight women struggle to get pregnant, yet it's something we rarely talk about. The isolation women and their partners feel while trying to conceive can often be just as heartbreaking as the struggle itself. That's why so many are cheering on this new ad by the card company American Greetings that tackles the stigma surrounding infertility and proves we all need to do more to support one another.
The ad, titled "Not Alone," follows a woman's emotional journey as she tries to conceive with her partner.

It shows as she carefully tracks her cycle each month and eventually visits a fertility specialist.

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It shows the mixed emotions she feels as she celebrates a friend's pregnancy at a baby shower.

And it follows her through the sadness and isolation she and her partner feel with each and every negative pregnancy test.

Most importantly, it shows how badly we need to end the silence surrounding infertility and be there for our friends who are going through it.

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At the end of the video, the woman's friend gives her a card that says, "I can't know what you're feeling but I'm here for you."

American Greeting shared the ad on Facebook, where it's been watched over 600,000 times, and thousands have reached out to share their stories.

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