More from CafeMom: Mom's Scary Photo Shows Breastfeeding Is Natural — but Not Easy
Following the surgery, the incisions had to remain open and packed so that the milk could continue to drain out for an unknown recovery time. "The heartbreaking news of it all — I have to stop nursing on my right side completely, nor can I pump. I've tried so hard and done everything I could to exclusively breastfeed my baby, so when I originally stated that I see the survivor of a six week battle in the above photo — that's exactly what I meant," she wrote. "This mastitis has torn me down, taken away the ability to breastfeed on one side, kept me in the hospital and away from my baby for four days … and yet I'm focusing on the positive and that is that I still have my left breast, it's healthy and it's producing milk to make my little guy big and strong."
For those who have ever given up on breastfeeding "so easily," Jenna now knows why: Nursing is extremely difficult, and it doesn't always work out the way that you had hoped. "I am beyond proud of myself for facing all of these issues and still giving it a try," she wrote. "My nickname in the hospital is Wonder Woman, and I'll take it."