As a mom of four, Stevie Niki is used to little ones saying some pretty crazy things. However, a question her [little girl](http://thestir.cafemom.com/being_a_mom/176939/13_ surprising_facts_about_girls) asked not only made this mom from Australia pause, but it it was also enough to induce some chills. Many people believe that young children have more of a psychic or spiritual connection than adults, and Niki's chat with her 4-year-old reinforced this to her surprised parent.
Niki recounted that her daughter asked if her family loved her when she passed away.

Niki, who writes about her family at My Tribe of Six, didn't think much of her girl's unusual statement at first. So she responded, "Baby girl, you've never passed away and you never will if I can help it," she recalled in an Instagram post. "She said, yes I did mum … before I was born, I passed away. I just don't know if my family loved me?"
Immediately a thought crept into Niki's head: What if her daughter is actually one of the babies whom she and her husband lost before having their family? "It would be nice to think they came back to us in our other kids and we never actually 'lost' them after all … it eases the old guilt and heartbreak…" she wrote. "But either way, she's an old soul — that I know and wholeheartedly believe. Be it one of our own or from some other life, completely different."
It turns out that Niki wasn't the only one her daughter was having this conversation with.
Admittedly creeped out, Niki brought it up to her husband and he revealed that she had been asking him the same thing earlier in the day. Even though Niki can't explain what prompted her daughter's deep thoughts, she gave her a firm answer. "Oh my little darling, we will always love you and always have … and even if you're not our old soul … there's no way anyone in your past life wouldn't have loved you," Niki wrote.
Niki asked on Instagram if anyone else had kids who talked about past lives -- and people were quick to chime in.

"My 5-year-old often talks about the green house by the river where she lived before she came to live with us!! So crazy!" one user commented.
Some have littles ones who speak in different languages or accents.

"My 2-year-old son for the past year (and has only just stopped calling it this) would always ask me for his 'beber.' It took me a bit to work out he was asking for his 'drink,'" another user wrote. "Beber is Spanish for drink…! We have never called it this and have no Spanish influence in our family/life. Could of course be total coincidence but hey I believe there is definitely more to these things!"
Other kids have made comments that left a pit in their parents' stomachs.

"My little boy had a friend 'Ryan,' he only ever came to play with him in the bath & Ryan was always black & blue and sad," one parent wrote. "He had a little baby with him called Rachel, don't think it was his sister. But Rachel cried a lot too. We don't know anyone called Rachel or Ryan."
Some kids even knew all about grandparents they never met.
"Yes!!! One of our identical twins talks about 'the lighthouse' where he hangs out with my dad (who died well before he was born), it's fascinating & wonderful & weird," one user commented. "He's talked about it since he was really young & it took me a while to put all the pieces together (as his vocabulary improved)."
"My daughter always tells me stories how she goes and visits my mom in the stars, she passed away when my daughter was 1yo," another person commented. "She tells us the toys she has and that she has a garden and all these things that are scarily accurate. Sometimes they are connected in ways we can't comprehend its beauty."
Then there are little ones who are adamant about their "other" family.

"My 4-year-old daughter talks of her old life, apparently she lived with her old grandmother and papa and they all died, I think in some kind of fire. They lived in like a log cabin and it was very cold so I picture like old country 1800 America but I could be wrong. Then she says … and then I blew in on the wind and landed with you," one parent wrote. "She doesn't mention it as much as she's getting older tho …. she recently spoke of our miscarried baby also, referring to 'him.' She's the one in the family everyone turns to for predicting the future haha."
Other parents shared that their kids can see spirits.

"It's kind of scary when they do this, speak of their own mortality. My daughter has quite a few times. She also would tell me of an old lady she could see near me," another added. "I knew it was my Nanny. Such perceptive souls "
And some get real about what their lives were previously like.
"My daughter often will say 'when I was little before' or 'when I was a little girl last time you wasn't my mom,'" one user commented.
"My neighbor's kid said a similar thing when she was 3 to her mom … She told me that I used to be her mommy in her old life when I had red hair and we both had different names!" another user wrote.
But no matter what you believe, it's amazing when parents can take comfort in what their little "old souls" share.

"My son said that he chose me," another parent added. "He said there was a screen and images and he saw me [and] remembered me. He chose me and came."