Baby ‘Ejected from the Womb’ During Devastating Car Crash Miraculously Survives

It feels like each day we hear about new horrifying accidents that end in tragedy. But today, a little girl in Cajati, Brazil, was born in the most miraculous circumstance when her mother was thrown from a capsizing truck. Although her birth story is unthinkable, the infant was ripped from the womb when her mom was instantly killed. The baby, who was found healthy and alive, is now being called a miracle and there's good reason why. 

According to Australian news site, the baby's mother was 39 weeks pregnant and the passenger in a lumber truck carrying wooden planks. The driver of the truck lost control of his vehicle, causing the truck to flip and launching the mother from its cabin. 

As the truck toppled, the wooden planks strapped to the cargo bed came loose and were thrown from the back, crushing the woman and immediately killing her on impact. But then something truly incredible happened. The force of the mother being thrown from the truck's cabin ripped the baby from her womb. 

Elton Fernando Barbosa, a first responder on the scene, explained it best, saying, "The fetus was literally expelled by the impact on the mother. The impact was so great that this opened up the mother’s belly and the child was ejected." It's an act that not only is incredibly rare but also saved this newborn's life.

In a now-viral video, which has been posted by media outlets around the world, rescue responders can be seen discovering the newborn in a bed of grass alongside the motorway — bloody but alive. In another amazing feat, the umbilical cord had been cut during the crash, but the baby otherwise had no injuries. She was rushed to the Pariquera-Acu regional hospital’s neonatal intensive care ward after her amazing survival. 

Barbosa also told the Brazilian paper A Tribuna that there was only one casualty in the accident  — the baby's mother. 

"When I arrived there, I saw that the truck driver was injured, and he was seen by the first aid team," he told reporters. "I went looking for the fatal victim who was underneath the wood, when I heard the cries of a baby. It was [with] total apprehension, because there had been no reports of a third victim."

The truck's driver, Jonathan Ferreira, survived the crash and was also taken to the hospital to be examined; he sustained no serious injuries. He told police that he didn't know the pregnant woman who was a passenger in his truck; he had just been giving her a ride. According to the latest reports, however, Ferreira will be charged with manslaughter for this tragic accident.

"She was perfect, healthy, without a scratch," Barbosa told reporters. "We can say that, in those circumstances, it was really a miracle that she survived."

"By what I saw, I have no idea how she came out alive. I don’t know how this child got out with her life," he added.

According to police, the baby's mother has yet to be identified, but they are actively looking for relatives to take in the miracle baby. They are hoping to find her family quickly, but if not she will be taken to an orphanage. 

Solange Batista, a nurse at the hospital where the baby is being treated, told reporters with The Sun that she has given the 6-pound 8-ounce miracle girl the name Giovanna, meaning "protected by God."

"She is really calm baby," Batista said. "She doesn’t cry. If you play with her she even smiles.”