Moms everywhere know that making sure your little one is fed, especially in the middle of the night, can take a crazy toll on your quality of sleep. And really, is it any wonder that when you're up and down all night breastfeeding — or bottle-feeding — that you're not exactly a morning person anymore? Nope. But sometimes that needs to be illustrated. Quite literally.
That's exactly what Texas mom Mattea Goff did for her husband in a hilarious series of illustrations that quickly went viral. When she took to Facebook to share the drawings, Goff explained that she was having a hard time finding the words to express to her husband Kris "why I'm not in the best of moods first thing in the morning."
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So, she sat down and created these relatable visuals. The first shows what it's like to be awoken by a hungry LO just two hours into the night.

Then, of course, the baby has to 'slap, slap, slap' while nursing.

Maybe she needs a bit of a manicure, to boot. And to have some spit-up cleaned up. All while dad with the 'useless nipples' snoozes.

Goff illustrates how, even once feeding time is over, the baby keeps her up by kicking. And then, welp, it's time to nurse again.

So, is it surprising that come morning, she's frazzled, fried, exhausted, and maaaybe at her wit's end?

Goff's on-point commentary about being a sleep-deprived mom definitely hit a nerve with lots of moms!

Some even shared their own funny stories in response.

'I can't believe how much love this has gotten,' Goff tells CafeMom.

"I have to say one of the best things to come out of it is the amount of support and encouragement from men and women for all our hardworking moms!" she says. "I've had messages from moms all over the world, and I think that's fantastic, because it means this sort of thing transcends all walks of life, all situations and cultures; it's amazing!"
The 32-year-old mom of two daughters — one is 5 years old, the other 5 months old — explains she was simply inspired by 'literally being so tired.'
Goff, whose brood has doubled since she originally posted her drawings in 2018, says she "ran out of words" and was moved to draw.
"This isn't the first time my husband has received one of my sarcastic creations," Goff shares. "I've been cartooning my experiences since I was a teenager. But this is the first time I've ever publicly shared anything."
The positive feedback has certainly motivated her to share more going forward. "I'm working on starting a Facebook page right now," Goff notes. "I've received literally thousands of friend requests — I would like to give them something to follow!"
No doubt Goff's future illustrations will be just as relatable, helping other moms around the world know that when it comes to baby slaps and lost Zs, they're so not alone!