This Baby Was Born in a ‘Bubble’ & His Expressions Are Everything

Although anyone who is squeamish might not realize it at first, birth is simply beautiful. Whether mom gives birth naturally, vaginally, via a C-section, at home, in the hospital, or anywhere else in the world, each time a baby is born, the moment is special — and breathtaking. But some births happen to be a bit more unusual than others, especially when a newborn comes into the world like littleĀ Noah Valasco.

Noah was born en caul, meaning his amniotic sac was still intact, instead of broken, when he was delivered.

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Being born en caul is incredibly rare and it's a sight to see when it does happen. This type of birth only occurs in an estimated one out of 80,000 births, as most amniotic bubbles rupture during both vaginal and C-section deliveries.

But in Noah's case, his "bubble" presentation during his C-section delivery was even more special.

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Although this type of birth is already unique, it's believed to be even more rare in C-section births. Dr. Rafael Angelo Baggieri, one of the doctors who helped deliver Noah, explained that this is because in order for an en caul birth to still happen after a C-section, the scalpel can't puncture the sac.

Noah was born on January 28 and left the entire team who delivered him overjoyed -- and loving his different expressions.

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Monyck Valasco gave birth to Noah atĀ at the Praia da Costa Hospital in Brazil andĀ Jana Brasil captured the stunning images. "It was an incredible moment for the whole team, because even though we have seen [en caul] deliveries, none was like Noah's — he was making a face and pouting!" Brasil tells CafeMom. "It was simply exciting for the whole team!"

Since sharing online,Ā Brasil's birth photos have gone viral as Noah's first peek of the world leaves people mesmerized. "People all around the world are reposting the photos and looking for us,"Ā Valasco told reporters. "I saw him being born. They lowered the screen so I could see. I cried a lot. It's an emotion that has no size."

After his grand entrance, Noah had to stay in the hospital for a few days.

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Brasil tells CafeMom that Noah remained in the hospital for five days because of a respiratory problem — which had nothing to do with his unique delivery. But he was released on February 2 and is now thriving at home with the family.