By now, birthday parties themed after popular grocery stores and beloved retail chains are nothing new. We've seen it all — from Target celebrations to Costco birthday parties — and have loved each and every one of them. But if we're being honest, we're kind of dying over this new Aldi-themed birthday party, which was thrown for 4-year-old Saylor Singleton of South Carolina. Photos from the adorable bash are exploding online, and once you have a look, you'll quickly be able to see why.
Saylor's mom Meaghan says the idea was inspired by her daughter's genuine love of Aldi.

(Honestly, no one needs to explain to us why Aldi is amazing, but hearing that a 4-year-old is as equally obsessed with it as we are is pretty hilarious.)
When it came to settling on a birthday party theme this year, Meaghan told CafeMom that Saylor's natural love of the grocery store "sealed the deal." In fact, her daughter loves the store so much, her mom had a professional photographer take photos of the birthday girl at the Aldi location where they shop.
"We were discussing the things she loves to decide on a theme, and she interrupted asking to go to Aldi and we had already been there that day!" Meaghan recalled.
So, mama got to work.

Unsurprisingly, Meaghan said that there is "absolutely no inspiration" for Aldi birthday parties on the internet (clearly because the idea is unique!). That means the mom was going to have to get creative on her own.
And if you ask us, she definitely pulled it off.
She nailed this adorable Aldi cookie cart.

"I walked around my own Aldi and thought of all the things that symbolize Aldi," she told CafeMom. "The colors in the logo, quarters, reusable bags, empty product boxes, the long conveyer belts, etc."
She even Googled Aldi signs and gave them a Saylor-themed tweak.

The mom said she made all of her directions using her Cricut machine and a little hard work. (OK, make that a lot of hard work!)
The real judge of things was (of course) Saylor.

Meaghan said her daughter "squealed" when she saw the party items.
"[She] ran to her Grandma yelling 'I love Aldi!'" she told us. "Then asked 'When can we eat the cupcakes?'"
Good work, Mom!
Now, all of the signs from Saylor's birthday hang in her room.

Soon after the party, Meaghan shared photos from it online, where they quickly took off.
"This has blown up all online!" she said. "I didn't know it would get this big at all outside of the Aldi fan FB pages."
In the end, she says it just goes to show how much people love Aldi.

Ultimately, Meaghan said she hopes her story will encourage parents to think outside the box when it comes to parties for their kids.
"I hope Saylor's story inspires people to throw whatever kind of party themed after whatever makes them happy!"