Not all baby names are created equal and as new ones rise in popularity, old ones must step aside. Some of these names are actually going extinct. They’ve had their time and there are apparently enough of them running around already.
But have no fear, like everything else, names constantly come in and out of fashion. We also know things are only out of fashion as long as we let them be. What's old is (almost) always new again in baby name world. Sure, it may take a few decades (or centuries), but most of them eventually make their way back.
Unlike the dinosaurs, when a name goes extinct while it may be forgotten, it is not gone. It’s just there in somebody’s memory waiting to be rediscovered. But for now, these once-popular names are going the way of the T. rex.

Despite Daryl Dixon being one of the most popular characters on The Walking Dead, Darrell is not a popular name these days. Darrell is Anglo-Saxon and means beloved. According to Baby Center, it has dropped in popularity by 539 positions since 2019. Maybe it'll make a comeback in the apocalypse?

Bradley is an English name that means "the broad meadow." Currently, Bradley probably just reminds a lot of people of actor Bradley Cooper in a tux, debonair and sweet.

Mike, a version of Michael, is Hebrew and it means one who is like God. What a beautiful and classy name for a little boy. However, according to the Social Security Administration, Mike is on the way out. It's already down 1,048 positions since 2019.

Trent is a Latin name. It means torrent and we think this little boy's highly emotionally in tune with a fighting spirit. According to the SSA, Trent has dropped 149 positions in popularity as of 2017 and has continued to do so over the past several years.

Bodde (Bohde, Bodhi) is a German name. It means the floor. I think this kid is probably resilient and can make a comeback when life knocks him to the floor. This name is so low in popularity that it doesn't even rank these days.

Craig is a Gaelic boy's name that means rock. If you want a strong name for a solid of character little boy, Craig could be the one. According to Baby Center, Craig has dropped 695 positions in popularity since 2019.

Curtis is a French boy's name that means courteous. Want a cute name for a well-mannered little man, Curtis could be the perfect name that almost was. According to Baby Center, the name Craig has dropped 482 positions since 2019.

Wayne is an English name that means wagoner. This name conjures images of a cool kid on the move. If your little guy's an old soul with a sense of adventure and pioneering, Wayne is the name for him. The name has dropped in popularity by 214 positions since 2019.

Dillon is Gaelic. It means faithful but maybe it's not as cool as it once. According to Baby Center, the name Dilan has dropped 2,366 positions in popularity since 2019.

Brogan is a Scottish boy name. It means shoe. According to Baby Center, Brogan has dropped 1269 positions in popularity since 2019.

Jeffrey is a Teutonic name. It means "God's peace" and is a name is reserved for the sweetest of little boys. We think it's timeless. However, many other parents would disagree as it just keep falling further and further behind on the baby name lists.

Reagan is an Irish gender neutral name used for both boys and girls. It means little ruler. It's an adorable name for the little one who rules your heart and life, but apparently it's not ruling too many expecting parents hearts anymore as it falls further and further down the popularity charts.

Kieran is a Gaelic boy's name meaning "small and dark-skinned." It's about one of the sweetest names we've ever heard but sadly, it's losing popularity.

Clint is an Anglo-Saxon name. It means town on a hill. Clints are gentle, brave and deep thinkers. Unfortunately, Clint has dropped 221 positions in popularity.

Peyton is a Scottish boy's name. It means guardian. Peytons are protectors and caring boys. Peyton is not bullet train falling off the popularity charts, but it has dropped since last year.

Blain is a Scottish name. It means yellow and that's perfect because this little guy is pure sunshine. Unfortunately, sunshine is dropping in popularity in the name game.

Shane is an Irish Boy's name meaning "God is gracious." This little guy will certainly a gift to his mom and dad — and perhaps one of the only Shanes in their kindergarten class.