Choosing a name for a baby isn’t an easy task. For some people, they have selected names for years, and others like to take inspiration from their world and channel that into finding the perfect name. Others look at trends, with some couples liking more unusual names. One family seemed to find inspiration for their baby names by infusing both pop trends and unique names because they named their newborn Covid Bryant.
When significant world events happen, related baby names seem to trend along with them, and this case is no different.
Nina Cayosa took to Twitter to share a baby name that she had come across at the start of Metro Manila’s lockdown in the Philippines. The name was inspired by two major world events that took place around the same time: the surprising death of NBA player Kobe Bryant and the global world health crisis that started to shut down the entire world, COVID-19.
Yes, there is a little person out there with the name Covid Bryant.
Cayosa wrote, “Saw a message where one of the maid’s daughters gave birth last March 15 (start of the lockdown) & you’ll never guess what they named their NEWBORN CHILD……. COVID BRYANT.”
The tweet took Twitter by storm, and people could not hold back their feelings for this unique and stand-out name choice.
If there wasn’t an obvious connection, this could be a cute name, but people had feelings.
“This is a kid getting bullied waiting to happen, the nickname is gonna be Vee. Short for Veerus,” tweeted one person.
Another joked, “that name will forever haunt him. Haha.”
“There’s a small part of me begging for this to not be real,” wrote another person.
Overwhelmingly, people didn’t think this was a great name choice.
“Parents should literally have a counseling first before naming their child,” another tweet read. “Bryant is OK but naming your kid after a virus? Seriously?”
And it is hard to believe it’s a real name, as evidenced by this tweet: “You can not be serious… is this real….this can’t be real..nnnoooo… this ain’t real….oh ma gahd it’s probably real,” wrote another person.
Another commenter thought it was the ultimate bad idea, tweeting, "if u feel like ur parents dont love u, just remember that one mom gave birth to a boy yesterday and she named her son COVID BRYANT."
There hasn’t been any official birth certificate released to confirm this name is real, but Vice.com reported coronavirus-related baby names have become more popular on social platforms.
This isn’t the only name to be inspired by the virus, as several others have been inspired by it as well.
It was reported last week that one family named their twins Corona and Covid, inspired by the world pandemic. They also received criticism for their choices, with social media commenters urging them to reconsider what they’ve done.
There are other reports of babies given names inspired by the COVID-19 health crisis. Vice.com reported a baby was given the name Covid Lorraine and another was registered as Covid Rose.
The overall criticism for covid-related baby names is how it will impact kids later in life. With this being a worldwide pandemic that has already claimed thousands of lives and impacted millions of others, it's not a typical place to look for baby name inspiration.