The sun will be shining, and the days will be long — before we know it, summer will be here and we can hardly wait! We love the summer because it’s one of the few times of the year that we can spend unlimited time with our children. And this year more than ever, parents will be looking for ways to keep their kids occupied. So we racked our brains and came up with a list of seven family-friendly activities that anyone can do quickly, without a ton of prep, and that pack in the most amount of fun. Take a look!
1. Backyard Camping

This summer, turn the backyard into your own personal campground. You don't need to go all out and spend a ton of money on a new tent and high-priced camping gear — in fact, it might be more fun for your kids if you challenge them to build their own tent out of household items (such as a tarp or an old blanket). Or heck — go, car-mping with the help of your trunk. Don't forget to hit all of the classic camping activities like reading a story by the campfire (or flashlights if that's all you've got), singing campfire songs, and, of course, making s'mores.
2. Go to the “Drive-In”

Movie nights are a great way to get in some good family bonding. If you want to host a drive-in show at your own home, it's actually a pretty easy task. All you need is a TV (or projector if you have it), some sleeping bags, and a big bowl of popcorn. Set up your drive-in theater in the backyard or basement (fewer bugs) and pick out your favorite family movies such as Happy Feet, The Lego Movie, Wonder Woman, or The Wizard of Oz — which can all be streamed on HBO Max! The brand-new streaming platform is set to launch May 27, and parents can find great kid-friendly titles like these and many more options that will keep their kiddos busy all summer long.
3. Make Ice Cream Sandwiches From Scratch

There is no sweeter sound in the summer than the ice cream truck. Just thinking about it has us reaching for our wallets! This summer, make the perfect ice cream sandwich without having to leave the house. Bake cookies from scratch using your favorite cookie recipe, or use store-bought cookies as a base. Layer in your favorite ice cream for the middle and another cookie at the top — and voila! The perfect ice cream sandwich. Roll the sides in miniature chocolate chips or sprinkles for some extra flare.
4. Scavenger Hunt

If you're looking for a lazy summer afternoon activity, a scavenger hunt is a fun way to get everyone up and moving. In fact, although scavenger hunts might seem played out, there are actually new and fun ways to try them. Why not take the little ones on a ROY G. BIV hunt? That means finding one item that matches each color of the rainbow. Or a senses scavenger hunt where kids have to find objects that use each sense (touch, taste, smell, sound, or sight)? Or create a hunt that's completely your own!
5. Host the “Olympics”

Unfortunately, there won't be any Olympic Games this summer, but that doesn't mean your little one can't still be a champion. Set up your own challenges in the yard such as dizzy bat, a water balloon toss, three-legged races, and even an egg-and-spoon race to make the games more silly than sporty. Winner gets an ice cream sandwich!
6. Turn the Backyard Into a Water Park

This simple do-it-yourself project only requires a hose and a little imagination! For extra fun, add things such as water balloons, sprinkler systems, shaving cream, and water guns to the water park experience. Even if all you really have is a hose, you can turn a slide into a water slide easy as pie.
7. Plan a Bike Parade

Who hasn't secretly wanted to be in a parade? Just us? The best part about planning your own parade is that YOU get to come up with the theme. Examples could be it's Mom’s birthday, Andrew lost a tooth, we watched all the episodes of Paw Patrol onYouTube, everyone made it through naptime. Whatever you want! Then decorate your bikes accordingly and head out into the neighborhood.