One of the things I’m genuinely concerned about as I settle into parenting a toddler is the looming idea of having to potty train a little boy. The concept is an abstract one when you think about it. You have to communicate to a little person who is just beginning to master language about a feeling that indicates it’s time to go to the bathroom and then teach them to move expeditiously so they capitalize on it. It’s a lot. Many moms would agree it's one of the most intimidating parenting tasks of the early years, right along with tying shoes and teaching them to read.
Apparently, one TikTok mom’s rant about potty training recently confirmed every mom's fears in the most hilarious and relatable way. We're right there with you, mama!
'Potty training can go to hell,' Shae' begins.
Shae’ Pettaway, who goes by @SoapboxShae on TikTok, lamented about the struggles of potty training her 2-year-old. With more than a million views, evidently more than a few people can relate to her struggles. Shae’ captioned her video, “Potty training 0/10. Would not recommend.”
In the video, she looks directly at the camera and speaks seriously. “I say this with the full sincerity of my heart," she says. "Potty training can go to hell. Straight to hell.”
'I don’t even understand the concept,' Shae' laments.
Shae’ believes that teaching this idea is a bit of a lofty task. “I don’t even understand the concept of how you’re supposed to teach a child how to potty train,” she says in the clip.
Getting increasingly more animated, she asks no one in particular, “How am I supposed to know that you have to go potty and then anticipate it to where I can teach you the feeling of that?"
Shae' says she'd rather continue buying diapers.
Shae’ says that because she just met him two years ago, she doesn’t know her son or his life like that. Furthermore, she shares that she’s not enticed by the idea of being done with diapers. In fact, she said she prefers them to the thought of her son “pissing all over her floor.”
She has a point.
'I'm not for play,' Shae' says.
To make matters worse, Shae’ believes her son might be intentionally prolonging the experience.
“You can pick up every little skill that I’m teaching you but all of a sudden you don’t understand what I’m saying when I say 'Go potty,'” Shae’ explains. “I feel like you’re playing me and I’m not for play.”
More than a few parents share her sentiments.
Apparently, this mom was preaching to the choir.
“Potty training made me lose my mind and decided I didn’t want baby #2, but I was already pregnant, lol. I’m with you!” one user wrote on TikTok.
Another shared her own potty training woes, commenting, “YESSS THANK YOU my daughter is 3 and I feel this exact same way!!! as I'm typing this she just peed on the rug in the kitchen .”