Save Money on Dinner With Poor Girl Eats Well

Just came across a budget-conscious recipe blog after watching a news clip on the Northern California woman who writes it — the blog's name is Poor Girl Eats Well.

Ah, I like the sound of any blog that can magically turn "poor" into "eating well."

Long before blogging about how to make good food on a tight budget, Kimberly Morales grew up with an appreciation for a well-cooked meal. Both of her parents worked in food, her Salvadoran father in restaurant management and her Colombian mother in catering management. Currently, Morales, like many Americans, lives paycheck to paycheck, and she talks openly on her blog about her financial status and shares tips and recipes that allow you to "eat ridiculously well on a miniscule budget."

Most of Morales's recipes come in under $3 a serving. That's a lot cheaper than eating a healthy meal out, especially when you're trying to feed a family. Even better, her dishes look tasty, inventive, and not overly fussy.

Plus, I love her emphasis on saving by using whole ingredients rather than buying pre-packaged convenience foods. That's so much healthier too!

A few Poor Girl recipes I want to try:

Mmm! Check out Poor Girl Eats Well for more good ideas and recipes.

Related posts:

How to Make Dinner for $5 or Less

Smart Foods for Tough Economic Times

Eating Healthy on a Budget