So, file this under awkward. A man who went online to look at porn "for the first time" in his life (while he was in a coffee shop) was treated to the shock of his life when he saw his wife of 16 years boning a bunch of dudes in said porno films. I mean, you think you know someone …
After seeing the unsettling clips, the man, identified as Ramadan, ran home to confront his wife — who, of course, at first denied it. But then when Ramadan showed her the clips — you know, the ones starring her and her ladybits — she had no choice but to come clean and admit her dirty past. What she did after that, though, is downright shocking.
She told Ramadan that despite their almost two-decade-long marriage, and despite the four children they had together, she never loved him. That's right, Ramadan had been had. Joke was on him. And if that wasn't enough salt in his wounds, the pornos were made with an ex-boyfriend of hers. So there. As Ramadan explained: "[My wife] first denied it and accused me of being insane before I faced her with the films … she then confessed to be still in love with her boyfriend, saying he is as young as her and that I am an old man.” Nice.
Now, look, this is a pretty crazy story. So crazy that it's almost kind of hard to swallow (no pun intended), but if it is true, let this be a lesson to all: Find out everything you can/confess everything you can before getting married. Especially if you have a past in pornography. 'Cause your spouse is gonna find out. And it's gonna get ugly. If your wife or dude really loves you, it won't matter that you did all sorts of kinky stuff to make some cash at one point or another in your life. I mean, it'll matter and come as a major shock, but if you're upfront from the get-go, there really isn't anything that's going to crop up later down the road. Unless you, you know, do porn with your ex while you're still married. That could be a cause for some tension.
Would you break up with your significant other if they had a past in porn — but told you about it before you got married/involved?
Image via andres.moreno/Flickr