So you like this guy because he's amazing. And has sweet eyes. And you just KNOW you'd be a great couple because you have awesome chemistry together.
But you're not sure of this: how do you make it all work? How do you show him that you're not "one of the guys?" How do you tell this man you're infatuated with that you two should be together?
Here are some tips for getting your crush to date you.
First and foremost, do not, no matter how tempting, succumb to changing who YOU are to be someone HE would want to date. You're perfect as you are.
When you're together, steer the conversation toward common interests.
Make plans to do things that you both like to do.
Ask him to teach you something he's passionate about to get him talking and excited. Guys love to show off what they know.
Try your hand at flirting with him, even if it feels awkward. The more you flirt, the better you'll be at it.
Dudes dig chicks who are funny – they can relate well to humor. Use that whenever you can.
Remember: funny and flirty, not slutty.
That stupid book about playing "hard to get" is worthless. Guys don't like chicks who act as though they need a guidebook to understand them.
Be yourself around him.
Don't reveal too much too soon. Play your cards and be a little coy without being confusing or sending out mixed messages.
Don't be afraid to walk away with your dignity intact (if he tells you he wants to date your friend, for example) before acting like a crazy girl.
Remember: the opposite sex DOES like a little challenge and mystery, so don't act desperate. Men hate that.
Don't bring the drama – guys don't appreciate it. And if that's what he seems to want, run in the other direction.
Be upbeat and positive and happy – you don't have to be a Debbie Downer. Almost anything can be spun in a positive light.
If you think that it's the right time (and are comfortable no matter what the outcome), tell him you have feelings for him.
Any other advice for getting your crush to date you?
Image via dpstyles/Flickr