Now that the temperatures have dropped, so has the moisture. In everything. Our hands are cracked. Our hair is static-y. Our legs feel scaly. And worst of all, our lips are chapped.
I know. It's a gross issue, but one we've gotta address, guys, because few things are less sexy in life than crinkly-looking, dry lips. I don't think I'm alone here when I say: Um, no thanks, chapped lips.
So, let's deal with it. Right now. Here are 6 ways to get your plump, dewy, lipstick-ready lips back. The best part of all? Results are immediate.

Use a toothbrush. After brushing your teeth, run your toothbrush under warm water, make your lips taut, and brush them. Sounds weird, I know, but it really does get the flakes off. Slick on some Vaseline or Aquaphor immediately following to lock in moisture.
Use your regular exfoliator. You know how they sell "lip exfoliators"? Yeah, they're a racket. No need to buy a "special" exfoliator for your lips. Yes, they're more sensitive than other areas of your body, but they'll survive. Promise.
Use a warm wash cloth. Take a wash cloth and wet with hot water. Wait a few seconds for it to cool slightly, then press your lips onto it for a minute or so. Again, follow with a moisturizing treatment. Your lips will look great after this one!
Use a cucumber. Cut a cucumber into pieces and hold against your lips. The water inside the veggie will soothe cracks and flakes. Naturally, eat afterwards.
Do not lick your lips! When they're feeling cracked or dry, don't do it! Muster any self-restraint you can find. I've literally stopped at random gas stations for lip balm if I don't have some on hand.
Buy a fancy lip balm. I find I'm more inclined to actually use my lip balm if I've spent more than a buck on it. It's like there's more on the line!
Do you have any unchapping tips?
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