Baby boomers need love, too, guys. Especially those who are currently divorced or widowed or somehow just single because they never thought it necessary to get hitched. But if they have a kid, they're in luck! Because now said kid can create an account on a dating website exclusively built around adult children playing matchmaker for their single folks! Too cute (and, also, damn, I wish I had thought of this!).
Thirty-five-year-old Matt Connolly, who co-created the new UK-based dating site called MyLovelyParent.com, says his mom served as his inspiration. He calls her “a very lovely lady in her 60s, who has been single for too long. Early last year she asked me if I could help find her knight in shining armor.” Awwww!
Of course there are a plethora of other dating sites where you could log on under your parent's account and pretty much run the show, screening potential candidates on their behalf, or "supervising" the "weeding" process. But when you do that, there's still a layer of disingenuous-ness … What I mean is "Alex," 62, from Hackensack, New Jersey, may not realize he's actually speaking to "Sally"'s future daughter-in-law instead of, well, Sally.
But on My Lovely Parent, sons and daughters are expected to be directly involved in helping their single parent find love. 'Course this won't work if you don't exactly know your parent's preferences, but I'd venture to guess many kids are better at choosing the right potential partner for their parent than the parent themselves!
Funny enough, I've actually been in the midst of helping my widowed future mother-in-law scour the web for a guy. She's dated a lotta crazies, and as I feel like I have a pretty great judge of character (and I'm an ol' vet at online dating who actually met her son via JDate), I'm hoping I can find her someone sweet and sane. Who knows — the next site we try might just be MyLovelyParent.com!
Check out the site's super-cute ad …
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8llEvXwQNMI
What do you think of sons and daughters playing matchmaker? Would you ever use a site like this to hook up your mom/dad/in-law?
Image via myLovelyParent/YouTube