Female celebs like Christina Aguilera are usually, unfortunately, no strangers to harsh criticism about their bodies. But that doesn't mean, even after years of scrutiny, that it can't take a hefty toll. A friend of the diva's recently said, "A lot of people were on her about her weight and it depressed her. She went through a bad time because of the criticism." Aww, poor XTina.
The upshot was that she was motivated to work out, do yoga, and eat portion-controlled, delivered meals to slim down. Which we're supposed to be impressed by. But sorry, I can't be. Because if her ultimate reason for getting on track was silencing her haters, I just don't see these healthy lifestyle changes sticking.
Of course we can't help but let what others say affect us or influence the actions we take when it comes to weight loss. But to let our efforts hinge solely on what other people are saying is to set ourselves up to fail. Motivation to make permanent healthy changes has to be bigger and more personal than that.
Like Jillian Michaels always says, it has to be about wanting to live to see your grandchild graduate college or being able to celebrate your 50th wedding anniversary. Or in the shorter-term, having more energy to be better able to keep up with your kids. Just living a full, vital life. Not about getting people to stop wagging their tongues. Because they're NEVER going to. Especially when you're Christina Aguilera!
Also, I gotta say, it's definitely a bummer to hear Christina — who has this tough diva, take-no-prisoners persona — may care so much about the noise that she lets it run her life. Come on, girl, you're above that. Do it for you! And little Max! After all, being driven by the factors that hit the closest to home is the best way to not just be thinner — but healthier and happier to boot. And who wouldn't want that?
What motivates you to be healthier?
Image via Ethan Miller/Getty