Virgo season comes as the end of summer wraps up and the western hemisphere enters autumn. It makes sense, as Virgos are an earth sign represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture. As down-to-earth, grounded folk, Virgos are earth signs through and through.
Virgos are humble, reliable, and gentle to be around. Anyone with a partner or friend who is a Virgo is incredibly lucky to have their support. On the other hand, Virgos are often misunderstood. Closed-off, reserved, and often too analytical for their own good, Virgos can seem expressionless or emotionless and perhaps a bit too much like a computer. But there's still a lot about Virgos most people don't know. Like…
Virgos Burn the Midnight Oil

As hard and dedicated workers, when Virgos throws themselves into a project, they're going all-in. This often means sleepless nights and long days working. It also means they may need some help unwinding at the end of the day.
Virgos Are Super Responsible

Virgos are some of the most responsible and reliable of all the signs! When in doubt or in an emergency, call a Virgo. We wonder how many first-born children are Virgos?
Virgos Are the Most Practical People

As an earth sign, Virgos are grounded and practical people. They make logical decisions and don't get carried away with pie-in-the-sky ideas. This may mean they need some help with spontaneity.
Virgos Tend to Overthink

As critical thinkers and the type to pay attention to the smallest details, Virgos have a tendency to overthink themselves into an anxious state. It can be over anything, from new relationships to a work project.
Virgos Can Be Too Uptight

Virgos often have classic Type A personalities. Since Virgos are perfectionists and tend to be stubborn, they can end up being really bothered by the little things. They often need to be intentional about remembering to chill.
The Way to a Virgo's Heart Is Through Their Mind

Since they lead with their minds, the way a Virgo expresses their love is through deep, intellectual conversations and getting to really know someone through those. They don't care about big, sweeping grand gestures at all.
Virgos Are Pretty Shy

As one of the more reserved signs, Virgos tend to be more on the shy side. It can take a while for one to open up to new people — but it's worth it once they do!
Virgos Can Have High Standards

Virgos want everything in their life to be perfect, which results in having high standards for themselves and sometimes for those around them. Even with the best intentions, this can be difficult for their relationships with others.
Virgos Are Humble

Virgos are great friends to have around because they tend to be so humble and down-to-earth. Who doesn't want that kind of person in their friendship circle?
Virgos Are Natural Helpers

As reliable people, Virgos love lending a helping hand and feeling valued. They are often the ones cleaning up the dishes at a dinner party or helping someone carry their heavy groceries.
Virgos Are Total Clean Freaks

Virgos like their spaces a certain way and are down to Marie Kondo the life out of anywhere. Essentially, they are complete clean freaks and it might be tough for messier types to live with them!
Virgos Make Great Writers

With the ruling planet of Mercury, Virgos are naturally talented at speech and writing. They make great journalists or therapists, especially with their need to want to serve others.
Virgos Prefer Long-Term, Stable Relationships

As one of the more grounded and reserved signs, Virgos have an affinity for long-term, stable relationships compared to one-night stands and fiery flings. This makes sense since it takes them a while to open up to someone.
Virgos Struggle To Treat Themselves

Practical and organized in just about every aspect of their lives, hedonism is not really in the vocabulary of a true Virgo. They need to learn how to indulge and treat themselves, as well as let go and have a little spontaneous fun!
Virgos Are Lifelong Students

Virgos absolutely love improving their skills as well as learning new hobbies. They're the type of people to pursue advanced degrees or take online classes. They're quite the inspiration!
Virgos Are Analytical Thinkers

The brain of a Virgo is like a computer — analytical and meticulous. This can be helpful during work and also in life, as they can process things clearly. This may also make things hard if they're in a relationship with someone who's more of a free thinker.