It has happened. You caught your bestie’s man cheating and now you have to decide whether to tell her or not. On the one hand, her significant other needs to pay for his misdeeds, but on the other, what if she doesn’t believe it and gets angry at you — the messenger? That’s what one person is struggling with and is sharing the deets online after catching her best friend’s soon-to-be husband cheating — an hour before they were meant to say "I do."
It’s a dilemma that few people want to face — especially on someone's wedding day: to spill the beans or keep it to yourself?
The whole tale was told anonymously on the Modern Weddings Facebook page on September 24 and now the poster is in a real bind.
“When I was at my best friend's wedding, just an hour before the ceremony was going to start, I came across definitive proof that my best friend's spouse-to-be was having an affair with the maid of honor,” the horrified friend wrote.
The best friend explained that she caught them “sneaking out of a room together looking disheveled.”
At the time, she was in so much shock that “I didn't know what to do.”
“Do I tell my best friend now?” the anonymous friend asked.
Some people thought the OP needed to tell her bestie ASAP.
"Yes. She might not be happy to hear it but yes, you should definitely tell her," wrote one commenter.
"Yes tell her, she deserves to know now not later," someone else agreed.
"You should have told her the moment you caught them," another person wrote.
Others thought she should keep quiet.
One commenter wrote: "Not your business so probably not. Could backfire and lose a friend."
"No don’t tell her let it be know to him that you know and he needs to tell her ASAP or you will that’ll force him to," someone else suggested.
"No! It’s no one’s business but theirs," someone else chimed in.
And other people were brave enough to share what happened when someone DID speak up — and the results were mixed.
"My ex husband was cheating on me with his sister's friend during the dance," wrote one commenter. "Right before we were supposed to cut our cake. One of my very good male friends came to me. Took me off to the side and told me where they were. He came with me and sure enough…. They were locked in a room. When they opened the door she was still doing up her blouse and he was adjusting his pants. I was very hurt but happy that I have amazing and true friends. But I also agree that if you are worried she might be upset with you. Tell the officiant and let him or her tell her… either way she should know."
"Yes BUT…. be prepared to lose your friend," another commenter warned. "If he saw that u saw him or she says u saw him…. then if she stays with him (which is likely) you will no longer be welcomed around. Trust me. I lost my best friend of 23 years because I told her shady stuff her husband was whispering to his female coworker. I was no longer allowed at her house, no kids bday parties, no christmas no nothing. I havent spoke to her in 10 years now."
Ultimately, the poster needs to decide if their friendship is strong enough to survive a blow like this. But it's important to remember that this isn't the poster's fault — it's her bestie's husband's.