
It's no secret that Jeffree Star is an extreme proponent of the luxury life. He adores designer clothing, drives European sports cars, and travels in private jets.
Those things alone are already pretty impressive, but there's no indicator quite like his house to prove just how extra Star really is.
You've probably seen the front of Star's house a billion times on his YouTube channel.

But you've GOT to see the inside...

... because this house is certified insane.

The Calabasas property has six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, and a total of 7,100 square feet.

Jeffree Star reportedly bought it for around $3.6 million in 2016.

Since moving in, Star's painted and decorated the huge house entirely in pink. Because of course.

So although the house must look very different in these photos than it does now, you can still drool over the luxury of it all.

Because COME ON.

This kitchen alone is probably bigger than most New York City apartments.

It also has a better view than most New York City apartments.

Speaking of large rooms, THIS is Star's closet. It all makes sense now.

Don't even lie — you know you'd die for his master bathroom.

There would literally never be a reason to leave that bath tub.

The backyard is another story entirely.

It's serving a whole lot of European courtyard vibes.

Seriously, this is some "'Romeo + Juliet' directed by Baz Luhrmann" shit.

Sigh. What was I saying about views earlier?

That view is definitively the best part of this house.

So when can we move in?

Never? Oh, OK. Cool.
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