Jeffree Star started a war with another beauty YouTuber, and the receipts are piling up

This is Jackie Aina. You probably know her: She's a beauty YouTuber nearing 1.5 million subscribers.

She's outwardly expressed her dislike for Jeffree Star in the past, but this weekend, that dislike reached new heights — and the internet was there to witness all of it.

On Thursday, Jackie Aina tweeted this screenshot confirming Jeffree Star had blocked her from viewing his profile.

She followed with this statement:

"Friendly reminder that it's 100 percent OK to surround yourself with people who have different opinions. It's normal and healthy. I make content that explains explicitly why I do not support certain people and their brands. It's ALWAYS based on morals and ethics. If you openly and blatantly disrespect black women I can't support you. Get over it. The end. Have a lovely day."

When the tweet was brought to Star's attention, he responded with several tweets suggesting Aina used his name for views.

Jeffree Star/Twitter

A little context: In April, Aina made an "anti-haul" video, in which she stated she wouldn't buy or review Jeffree Star Cosmetics products due to Star's past racist remarks.

Shortly afterward in May, both Star and Aina attended a press trip in Saint-Tropez with Jouer Cosmetics.

Jeffree Star/Instagram

There, Aina tweeted about the presence of an unnamed person who was making her "uncomfortable." Many assumed she was talking about Star.

Jackie Aina/Instagram

Back to the present: Star, in a now-deleted tweet, called Aina an "irrelevant rat."

Jeffree Star/Twitter

Additionally, he directly tweeted her, claimed she hadn't paid taxes in three years, and said she was getting married in December.

Jeffree Star/Twitter

But Aina said Star's information was false. It most likely came from a fraudulent listing on wedding site The Knot.

Jackie Aina/Twitter
Jeffree Star/Instagram

Naturally, Aina's fans — and the entirety of Black Twitter — swooped in to defend her. Many of them allegedly got blocked by Star in the process.


These are the exact kinds of interactions that lead people to believe Star hasn't changed much since he made racist comments during his time on Myspace.

Jeffree Star/Instagram

He's outwardly used the N-word, made 'joking' threats toward Black women, and dressed up as a Spice Girl for Halloween with a friend in blackface.

His past combined with his negative interactions are even getting other YouTubers in hot water.

Jeffree Star/Instagram

This week, veteran beauty vlogger Tati Westbrook's fans expressed severe anger toward her because she collaborated with Star.

Although Star has already addressed his past on Twitter, he plans to do it once again in a video this week.

Jeffree Star/Instagram

But in the meantime, Aina is standing her ground.

Jackie Aina/Instagram

"Never forget that @JeffreeStar will call black women rats, uneducated, and broke when they do not worship him," Aina wrote. "Please research who you support in the beauty industry; there really is a lot of ugly you do not and probably won't see."

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