There is so much to learn when it comes to tarot cards and all the knowledge and insight they can bring. Many people write the cards off as something whimsical and not to be paid any mind. Still, other people who consider themselves spiritual, tarot cards can be a form of meditation and introspection.
If someone is new to tarot readings and there's some excitement about learning everything, it can seem overwhelming. Tarot cards can be an incredible outlet for looking at what's going on and get some insight into the world. But there is so much misinformation around about the cards, what each one means, and what tarot is, exactly.
If there's an interest in tarot card reading, but one is not sure where to start in the whole process, we have 15 tips and tricks to reading the cards to get the most out of each reading.
Find a Deck That Feels Right
There are so many different tarot card decks out there, and it can be easy to get lost in all the options. But it's important to wait to find a deck that speaks to each individual — don't buy into the myth that you can't buy your own deck — that's totally OK, but wait until there's a strong connection to one.
Don't Look Up Meanings
According to the Wellness Foundry, we have to make sure we're not looking up the card meanings from the internet. While doing this to some extent is OK, tarot card reading is all about trusting our own instincts and developing our own relationship and feelings from each card. Learn and lean on that.
Spend Time With the Cards
The more time spent with the cards and deck, the deeper the connection will be to the readings. Take time to hold them in the hands, shuffle them, check out all the details of each face, and really try and develop that connection. This will help in the long run by reading what they're trying to say.
Take Deep Breaths
It's important to be in the right frame of mind for a tarot card reading, and if that means taking several deep breaths before pulling cards, that's what should be done. It's also important to be in the right frame of mind for leaning on the instincts and interpreting meaning with the right frame.
Choose a Card a Day
Biddy Tarot recommends to start reading tarot cards small — choose one card a day and really focus on that card. Listen to what intuition says upon first glance, then study the details in the card. How does it make one feel? Ask the tarot cards some questions, and at the end of the day, the process of those intuitions end up happening.
Start Small & Go From There
We know that seeing on television, everyone reads the tarot cards handling a few at a time, but that's not a good strategy to begin with. Instead, focus on one to three cards first. Really get a feel for what those are saying and then slowly move on from there — and build up.
Consider the Cards Together
There are so many ways to interpret cards, but it shouldn't be overlooked to read them together as a whole. Soul Truth Gateway says, "To get true depth and personal relevance from your readings, learning about the way individual tarot cards interact with each other is vital!"
Practice, Practice, Practice
The more time spent with the deck of cards, pulling a single one or a spread, and holding them in the hands of the deck owner, the better connection there will be to the deck. This will allow for a deeper connection, and it's especially important when first learning tarot, because practice makes perfect.
Don't Read for Others for a While
There's a long-standing myth that reading tarot for oneself is not a good idea, but that's far from true. Reading just for a personal reason is a great way to connect with the cards and learn everything there is to know about the cards. Don't read for others for a while until there's a deeper understanding.
Reading for the Future Doesn't Work
When we think about tarot reading, especially what we see on television, it's always some form of prediction of the future, but that's not really what tarot is about. Wellness Foundry notes it's really about how the questions are asked. "So instead of answering questions, 'When will I get a new job?' rephrase it as, 'What steps do I need to take to help me get a new job?'"
Find Someone to Chat With
Tarot card reading and everything that brings with it can only be enhanced with a mentor or a group that can be reached out to for questions and to learn more. Biddy Tarot suggests being open to learning even more about the tarot, "Find a study buddy and practice reading the cards together."
Let Go of What Is 'Supposed' To Be Done
There are so many rules in tarot cards, and sometimes those rules can feel restrictive, so it's OK to not follow them. Let go of what is supposed to be done, say goodbye to all those rules, and listen to the intuition from within and see where that goes.
Find Patterns
Soul Truth Gateway notes that looking for patterns within the cards on the spread is important for clues to what they're trying to say. The site suggests looking specifically at how many cards of each unit there is and how many of each card number is there.
Care for the Cards
For people who believe in tarot cards, caring for the deck will keep them working without any negative energy. suggests laying crystals on the cards, and to respect the cards as we would our clothes. The site advises storing the cards in a bag or a box so they stay clean and safe from damage.
Be in the Right Frame of Mind
To read the tarot cards and really listen to intuition and hear what they're trying to say, the reader must be in the right frame of mind. This means the mind is clear, there's no alcohol influencing, and stress levels are low. This will help the interpretation be pure and won't be clouded by negative energy.