When it comes to what we are (or aren't) willing to do in bed, we all have our comfort zones, and even though it's 2021, for many of us, the booty is still a pretty taboo area. While more people have been talking about how much fun butt stuff can be, there are still plenty of us who are hesitant to try it, and that's totally OK — what you do in the bedroom should totally and completely be up to you. But if you're interested in taking a dive into what might be a totally different area of the world of sex for you and are on the fence about butt stuff, there are a few reasons why it's definitely worth considering.
Let's be real — if you've been with your partner a long time, you might be looking for ways to spice things up. Or maybe you're ready to satisfy your curiosity about what it might be like. Whatever your reason might be, there are plenty more that might convince you the time has come to try out anal sex, and who knows? You might love it.
Read on for all the reasons butt stuff might be worth a try next time you're getting intimate.
It Might Be Good

You know that saying, "Don't knock it till you try it?" Well, that totally applies here, too. If you've never had anal sex, you might surprise yourself when you finally give it a shot and discover that you love it. And if you don't? Well, you never have to do it again, but at least you tried.
It Could Open the Door to Other Adventures

Giving this new sexcapade a try could lead to other adventures in the bedroom — don't count those out! Becoming a little more willing to try new things in bed could lead you to unexpected places, even if those places happen to have nothing to do with anyone's butts … and it might help you discover your new favorite moves.
It Could Create a New Layer of Intimacy

No matter how long you've been with your partner, opening yourself up to them like this will probably create a new level of intimacy that you didn't even know existed between the two of you — especially if this new adventure remains your little secret.
It Doesn't Have To Be All or Nothing

If butt stuff is totally new to you and you're feeling apprehensive, remember that it doesn't have to be all or nothing — your first time or ever. Maybe you're interested in just a little bit of butt play to start and test the waters, no penetration required. It's totally up to you how far this goes.
It Keeps Things Interesting

If you're looking for a way to spice up your sex life, this could be a good way to go about it. Let's be real — if you're in a long-term relationship, it's OK to admit that you want to mix things up. There's no way that introducing a little butt stuff to your sex routine won't accomplish that.
It's a Different Sensation

If you've mostly stuck to vaginal penetration, then you might be surprised at how different this type of sex can feel. For many, it can be a way more intense experience, and it might end up being way more enjoyable than you were expecting.
It Builds Trust

Because when it comes to butt stuff — especially when trying it for the first time — a lot of trust has to be involved. After all, it's all going on behind you, so it's not like you can see what's happening! You and your partner need to be on the same wavelength, and will need to be in sync. It's a trust-building exercise if we've ever heard of one.
Orgasms Are Likely

According to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 94% of the women who responded to a survey who had participated in anal sex reported that they had an orgasm during their most recent sex session. So yep, those are odds that everyone should like.
It's Not as Scary as It Seems

If butt stuff is something you're thinking about trying but are too freaked out to actually do, remember that you're likely building it up in your head to be scarier than it really is in practice. This is something you can do with your partner that's supposed to be fun — don't let it scare you!
It Could Lower Stress Levels

Because sex has been proven to lower stress, the same goes for butt stuff, too. We have to imagine that taking the plunge into the world of anal sex will especially lower your stress levels if it's something you've been stressing about lately. Just saying …
It's Less Messy During That Time of the Month

Though plenty of people are perfectly fine with period sex, others are not … and if you happen to fall into that category, you'll be happy to know that one of the perks of butt stuff is that it keeps that mess to a minimum when that time of the month comes around.
It's OK To Stop at Any Time

Remember: It's totally OK to try anal sex, decide you don't like it, and stop — even if you're still in the process of doing it. As long as you're with a trustworthy partner, they'll understand and follow your lead, so know that you can call it quits at any time.
It Can Be Empowering

If you're someone who finds your sexuality empowering, it goes without saying that taking the leap and trying butt stuff will only make you feel even more empowered. It's a new tool in your sexual tool belt — something else you've officially conquered.
It Doesn't Lead to Pregnancy

If you're avoiding getting pregnant right now for one reason or another, good news: That absolutely cannot happen if you're doing butt stuff. Whether you're on birth control or not these days, getting knocked up is a total non-issue with anal sex. That's a major positive (and not the kind you get on a test, because remember, that can't happen).
It Might Grow the Relationship

Sharing this new experience together, whether it's a major hit or a major miss, will probably bring you and your partner even closer than ever before — and hopefully, it'll make it easier to talk about what you do and don't want to try in the bedroom in the future. If nothing else, your relationship will grow, and that's definitely a big plus.