
The pressure to be thin has always been dangerous, but it may not be THE most unreasonable body ideal out there.
While she believes that everyone should embrace "the power of the butt," plus-size model and body positivity blogger Megan Crabbe is issuing a warning against the unrealistically hourglass, Kardashian-esque figure that has become the new ideal.
"The super-slim-all-over body ideal has been replaced with another that's even more impossible for most of us to achieve," Crabbe writes on Instagram.
"The hourglass is more extreme than ever, and the super-slim ideal is still there, but only in the right places."
Crabbe is recovered from anorexia, but says, "I still find myself curving my spine to better emulate that hourglass," even though her body doesn't bend that way.
"The reality is I'm just not made to be that bootylicious. My back nearly went into spasm just trying to take the first picture," she admits.
"I'm not supposed to have an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face."
"You are allowed to accept the shape that you are," she says, and you shouldn't try to kill yourself to get that "36-24-36."
Just because you don't look like a Kardashian doesn't mean you're not beautiful (or healthy!).
"Let's embrace our bodies, and let's write rap songs about our damn selves."
Amen, sister.
Follow Crabbe on Instagram (@bodiposipanda)!
h/t Hello Giggles