16 Women Share the Chores They Wish Their Partner Would Do Without Being Asked

Life is better with a partner, especially if that partner jumps in and helps shoulder some of life’s burdens. They're someone to be there through the good times and the bad times. And what's really sexy is a partner who doesn’t only laugh and cry with their spouse, but gets in there and does some of the daily heavy lifting — without being asked.

Face it, everything is better when there is a need to be met and someone swoops in like a hero without being asked and just does it. Having to ask for help, while still useful, somewhat negates the whole knight-in-shining-armor effect the fairy tales have been perpetuating since childhood. So to help some relationships out, we asked some women what tasks they wish their partners would just know to do — no questions asked.

Scrubbing Toilets

Cleaning agent for plumbing, sponge

"Cleaning toilets. That's exactly what I implemented once COVID started. Everyone has their own bathroom (there's only three of us) and they have to clean their own. But I did it for years and men's toilets are gross." — Julie C.

Our Most Hated Chores

Cleaning Shower Glass Pane

“I hate cleaning the stove and cleaning bathtubs.” — Jennifer B.

Make the Bed

Making the bed takes just a few moments together

“Making the bed. And even when I ask, it's usually no. He has this whole philosophy about it. It’s not worth the fight but now that I think about it, it annoys me a lot.” — Sasha W.

Vacuum Properly

Man In Uniform Vacuuming House Floor

“Vacuuming correctly (moving stuff like laundry baskets and shoes). If I pester and request someone else to vacuum, they will zoom around the room and be done in five minutes and miss half the stuff. And I have tried to explain and train many times.” — Erica E.

Boy Bathrooms


“Scrubbing tubs and toilets!! Pee crust for the past 22 years. Young moms of boys know — it never stops. Early on I wanted to be what I thought was a good mom, wife, housekeeper, blah blah blah … Screw that!! Now I'm like, I created monsters!” — Adrienne B.

Kitchen Duty

Ways to Improve Your Finances

"Keeping the kitchen counter clean. Sometimes (OK, every time) I look at the mess and I figure out which things were put there by me, and it's usually no things." — Jill S.

Dirty Dishes

I love it when it's his turn for dishes

“Dishes!!! If I have to shop for it, cook it, and serve it, can't someone else clean up after it? I'm just so darn tired by the time it's all over that you'd think it would be a no-brainer to help out.” — Lara D.

Pint-Sized Laundry

Laundry and household concept. Delighted redhead man with thick beard, raises hand, carries small child with sorrowful expression, isolated over blue background with empty space for text. Busy dad

“The kids' laundry.” — Jill S.

Return Things Where They Belong

putting christmas back in the attic

“Put things back in the attic. CAN YOU NOT READ MY MIND, SIR? That stuff is still sitting in the garage!” — Elaine W.

A Little Louder for Those in the Back

Man holding car keys

“Honestly, I'd be happy if he just put his stuff back where it belongs after he uses it. Or puts keys in the same damn spot every day so it doesn't become the 'Where did I put my keys/nametag/etc.,' every morning.” — Lizbeth C.

Finish Doing the Laundry

Organizing and cleaning home

“Put clean laundry away. Like, in drawers. If I don’t put it away, no one puts it away. There’s a stack of laundry on the dining table right now. It makes me crazy.” — Catherine C.


Ready to sweep the floor

“He does ZERO household tasks. Bahahhaha. So, any? I get his coffee mug off the bathroom counter every day for 30 years. 29 years into it I hired someone to come weekly because when I think about it, I start fantasizing about living in a tiny house and traveling all the time.” — Abbie G.

Go Through the Mail

Male student open postal letter from college committee

“I would love it if my husband went through his snail man daily!” — Tamara A.

After-Dinner Duties

Look daddy, I'm an airplane!

“Take out the trash. Play with the kids. Help clean up after dinner.” — Ericka P.

Pay Attention


“It’s the stuff they are blind to — the basket sitting at the bottom of the stairs waiting to be carried up, the candy wrappers on the coffee table, dirt on the floor, etc.” — Christina S.

Load the Dishwasher

Family at home unloading the dishwasher

“The sink is not a staging area — put the dishes directly into the dishwasher.” — Mariana O.