A grandmother in Fulton, New York, was arrested on charges of two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child following a disturbing incident reported by her 3- and 5-year old grandchildren.
According to the Fulton Police Department, 46-year-old Heather Smith pushed her grandchildren into the Oswego River, claiming it was so they could go swimming. Given that the children reportedly don't know how to swim and that the river was a frigid 35.8 degrees, authorities don't believe her story, according to WIVB 4. Thankfully, this story did not end tragically.
The children told their mother about what happened, and she called 911.
According to reports, the children were briefly submerged in the river but were pulled out by their grandmother. The children revealed the incident to their mother, who was not present at the time, and she called 911 to report her mother.
Thankfully, following getting warmed up and an assessment at their home by local EMS staff, it was determined the children did not sustain any injuries.
Smith admitted to pushing the children into the freezing water.
After being interviewed by the police, the grandmother admitted that she pushed the children but denied she intended to harm them. She reportedly said she "wanted to make some memories," according to WSYR-TV.
"I know the water was cold, but they’re only kids once, and the water was shallow," Smith wrote in a statement, according to court documents.
The incident occurred in an area known to the family.
The family reportedly referred to the area where Smith pushed the children into the water as their "fishing spot."
"It was deep enough where they were fully submerged below water … not to mention there’s undertows there and current. It’s not a safe spot," said Sgt. Lucas Hollenbeck, per WYSR-TV.
A protection order has been issued against the grandmother.
Smith was arrested and has been charged with multiple counts of child endangerment, but she has been released pending trial. She is banned from seeing the children under a judge-issued protective order. Smith's next court appearance is March 1, according to WYSR-TV.
The children are in the custody of their mother, and local child protective services are said to be assisting in the investigation.