Tradwife Influencer Lilly Gaddis Used the N-Word on Social Media & It Got Her Fired

The tradwife trend has generated more than a little bit of discussion online recently. People are debating whether the trend shames mothers who have chosen to live more modern lifestyles. And there are others who call the idea of being a tradwife just plain unrealistic.

There was even an argument that pointed to the trend’s ties to white supremacy. Although that connection was a little more abstract and academic, one TikTok tradwife helped make the through line very clear.

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Tradwife Lilly Gaddis casually used the questionable phrase in a TikTok video.

Former TikTok user and tradwife Lilly Gaddis is making headlines for casually and intentionally using the n-word in one of her videos. In a clip of her cooking, Gaddis, clad in an apron and a dainty cross necklace, looks into the camera and declares that her friends’ husband are “broke a– n—as.”

Naturally, using the n-word as a white person, even once, is in bad taste. But the ease with which it rolled off Gaddis’ tongue led many to believe it’s a word she uses often. The frequency with which she may or may not use the word is secondary to the fact she said it in the first place, but Gaddis managed to make matters worse.

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Gaddis said her freedom of speech is being threatened.

When questioned about her use of the word, Gaddis, whose TikTok page has since been deleted, doubled down. Gaddis wrote on X, “If my freedom of speech is taken, they’ll be coming for yours next.”

The message was clear. She doesn’t care. She isn’t remorseful. But in case there were any lingering doubts, Gaddis posted another video on X claiming that after all of the backlash, she still “couldn’t find a care.”

Gaddis' employer fired her immediately.

Gaddis wasn’t moved by the public outrage, but perhaps financial consequences may make her feel a little something. After her racism went viral, social media users, across various platforms, contacted her employer, Rophe of the Carolinas, about her behavior.

Unlike Gaddis, the business took her words seriously and terminated her, effective immediately. In a statement, released via X, the company wrote, “We at Rophe of the Carolinas want to address a recent incident that has caused concern and upset among our stakeholders. A newly hired employee made inflammatory remarks on social media that do not align with the values and beliefs of our company … As soon as we were made aware of the situation, we took immediate action to pull the employee from her assignment … and the employee in question is no longer with our company.”

Gaddis said she used the word to launch a career.

Lilly’s goal was evidently to launch her conservative career, and it seems to have worked. Although she lost her job, she seems to have found plenty of support from X users who also like to use racist, homophobic, and ableist slurs.

On X, all of these words are allowed under the guise of free speech. The way some folks like to platform those with hateful rhetoric, we might be seeing more of her. Time will tell.