An Indiana woman reportedly kidnapped an 8-year-old girl from an elementary school, before taking off her clothes and running naked in the streets as police chased her. Brittany Hurtt, 34, of Austin, Indiana, was arrested Monday after a school contacted authorities reporting that a child had been taken from the playground.
Hurtt's husband later flagged police to tell them his wife had an unknown child in her car and had left the house without her clothes on. The situation escalated when the police caught her, reported to Fox 59.
Hurtt reportedly tried to abduct two children.
According to a probable cause affidavit obtained by Fox 59, police were informed that an 8-year-old girl was taken from the Austin Elementary playground by a woman. Police later reviewed surveillance footage and saw Hurtt climb a fence and attempt to abduct a little girl, who got away. The child told police that Hurtt grabbed her by the wrist and said, "Let's start a family."
When that child got away, Hurtt reportedly took another child — an 8-year-old girl — by the hand and lifted her over the fence. The video appears to show Hurtt take off down the street with the child.
Hurtt reportedly took the child to her house and began acting erratically.
Hurtt reportedly arrived at her home with the young girl in her car. She went inside, took off her clothes, and began running naked down the street. An officer took the abducted child back to school, while a second officer pursued Hurtt.
The court document said she was "running in the street nude carrying two white trash bags." Upon her capture, police say she became physically abusive.
Officers struggled to handcuff and safely get her into the car.
Police reported that Hurtt ignored orders to calm down and to stop "kicking and yelling." Once inside the vehicle, she reportedly continued to kick the windows and scream while refusing to put on clothes that her husband had brought outside for her to wear. When police attempted to transfer her from the car to a gurney, they say she kicked an officer in the hand.
Hurtt began saying strange things to the officers. Court documents state she "was making statements about how the "children were being taught by the computers and all the children needed to die."
She reportedly told told police she knew she was under arrest “because she kidnapped a kid.” She was cleared by the emergency room and taken to Scott County Jail.
Austin Elementary immediately went on lockdown.
Austin Elementary school officials stepped into action quickly, ensuring all students on campus remained safe during the commotion. The district wrote a letter to parents stating it's concerns and the intention of "reassessing playground protocols to increase security and safety for students." Counselors were also available to students and parents.
Hurtt faces multiple charges.
According to the Austin Indiana Police Department's Facebook page, authorities charged Hurtt with a series of offenses, including kidnapping, resisting law enforcement, battery resulting in bodily injury to a public safety official, criminal trespassing, and public nudity.
In a comment on the police department's Facebook page, an Uber driver claimed to have met Hurtt earlier in the week and was surprised by what had happened.
"I met Brittany yesterday as her Uber driver. She was so sweet. I could tell she was going [through] some things. Thank God no harm was done to the kids and her as well hopefully she can get help that she needs. Praying for everyone involved," the driver wrote on Facebook.
Hurtt had her initial court hearing Tuesday. Court records state that she is due back in court in February for a pretrial conference.