Looking for the perfect crib mobile, but can't find quite what you want to complete the nursery?
You may want to consider making your own. You can save money and create a personal, hand-crafted piece that both you and your baby will love.
For example, the bird mobile (pictured left) from Spool is adorable. You can download the free pattern and create the birds in any color scheme you wish.
This ribbon mobile from Martha Stewart is pretty and very easy to customize with a variety of ribbons. And how adorable is this butterfly mobile?

For boys, I love this mobile made of stuffed balls of varying sizes and colors (pictured right) from reesedixon. The artful abode shows a great, simple mobile made of painted wooden pieces.
One of my favorite homemade mobiles I've come across is this floral one from createslove. She provides great instructions that seem quite doable too.
If you're still intimidated, there are also homemade baby mobile kits that make it really easy to customize your baby's room.
Of course, safety should be first and foremost when choosing a mobile for your baby's room. Here are some crib mobile safety tips to keep in mind.
Are you thinking of making your own crib mobile?
Images via spoolsewing/Flickr; reesedixon/Flickr